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我一会儿就准备好。I'll come in a jiffy.

我马上去做。I'll do it in a jiffy.

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我一会儿就要出去了。I'll be out in a jiffy.

今朝是三点过几分。It is a jiffy after three.

我将马上把你弄出来。I’ll get you out in a jiffy.

我一会儿就要出去了。NO11, I'll be out in a jiffy.

我们的钱瞬间就翻倍。We'll double ours in a jiffy.

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她的新录的唱片名为“瞬间”。Her new record is onthe jiffy label.

炊事员马上就使水热了。The cook had the water hot in a jiffy.

一眨眼工夫她就变出了一桌饭菜。She conjured up a whole meal in a jiffy.

橡皮筋可马上解决这个问题。A rubber band can fix that problem in jiffy.

肯定会涨的,这就像捡钱一样容易,我们马上就能发财。It's going up sure. It's like picking up money. We'll double ours in a jiffy.

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玻璃碎了,就拿去重新装裱,不用多久就能拿回来。The glass shattered, and ugh. It took it to the framer . It'll be back in a jiffy.

德国睡梦是一个节约空间的令人愉快的马上就能使用的床。Tiefschlaf is a space-saving delight and a modular bed that gets ready in a jiffy.

实际上,朝鲜可以立马宣布它所掌握了什么,如果它愿意的话。In practice, North Korea could in a jiffy declare what it possesses, if it chose to.

我们认识到在观看杂志时因特网浏览器发生了若干问题,这些应该马上得到解决。We're aware of some problems with viewing the magazine in Internet Explorer and should have these ironed out in a jiffy.

取决于您远离它,尼亚尼亚能够之间切换姿态,语音和触摸屏模式的瞬间。Depending upon how far away you are from it, Nia is able to switch between gesture, voice and touchscreen mode in a jiffy.

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眨眼间我便溜过了船舷,把身子蜷在最近的一条小船的船头板下,几乎就在同时,它就出发了。In a jiffy I had slipped over the side, and curled up in the fore- sheets of the nearest boat, and almost at the same moment she shoved off.

这个网站的老手相对于菜鸟的比例较高,因为它的博客内容模式就是使复杂的问题立即得到解决。The site’s membership has a higher ratio of geeks-to-newbs because of the blog’s type of content that tricky questions can be ironed out in a jiffy.

最早可以追溯到1785年,“一会儿”这一术语就在一些非正式场合被广泛应用,用以表达未做详细说明的一小段时间,通常指花一小会儿时间能完成某项任务。Dating to at least 1785, the term "jiffy" is used informally to refer to any unspecified short period of time, often the brief moment it will take to finish a task.