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樵夫是做什么的呀?。What does a woodcutter do?

维拉发现右乳有一肿块。She found a woodcutter nearby.

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樵夫砍倒了那棵树。The woodcutter felled the tree.

那个砍柴者举斧砍树。The woodcutter laid his axe to the tree.

很幸运,一个附近的伐木工人As luck would have it, a Woodcutter nearby

有一位樵夫和家人住在一座森林里。A woodcutter and his family live in a forest.

森林里居住着一个樵夫和一个啄木鸟。A woodcutter and a woodpecker lived in the forest.

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“我在把这棵树砍断,”伐木工人回答道。"I'm cutting this tree up, " answered the woodcutter.

在你把小儿被柴刀砍伤了的手包好之后。After you dressed the cut hand of your own baby woodcutter.

彼得成了新闻记者,而约翰还是一名伐木工人。Peter became a news reporter but John remained a woodcutter.

樵夫对于孩子们的归来感到高兴万分。The woodcutter was overjoyed that his children had returned.

伯牙一看,只见一个樵夫站在岸边。Bo Ya looked, and saw a woodcutter standing on the riverside.

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划木者在森林的边缘有一间小屋。The woodcutter had a little house on the fringe of the forest.

一个樵夫装束的人出现在城堡的大门口。A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter.

那位伐木工人在森林的外缘有一间小屋。The woodcutter had a little house on the fringes of the forest.

从前,有一个伐木人,他实在太穷了,甚至养不起他的七个儿子。There was once a woodcutter who was too poor even to feed his seven sons.

如果一个樵夫能伐木,他能伐一个樵夫能伐的那么多的木。He would cut as much as a woodcutter could if a woodcutter could cut wood.

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樵夫以砍伐树木为业,鸟以捉虫为生。The woodcutter used to cut down trees to catch insects to make her living.

但是,第三个伐木工向上看了以后喃喃低语道,“什么树对我来说都行。”Butthe woodcutter looked up. "Any kind of tree will do for me. " Hemuttered.

从此二人成了非常要好的朋友。That woodcutter was Zhong Ziqi. Since then, they had been very good friends.