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二是对孔子仁学思想传承的研究存在一个盲区。Secondly, there is a scotoma on spreading them.

而这一盲点其实也是一个机遇。And this one scotoma also is a good luck actually.

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追踪观察视力、眼底、患者自觉视野中心暗影是否消失。Changes of vision, fundus and central scotoma were observed.

目的探讨发生于青光眼的中央暗点所具备的临床特征。Objective To study the clinical features of central scotoma in glaucoma.

立法部门应研究这类新问题,消灭法律上的盲点。Legislative branch should study this kind of new issue, eliminate jural scotoma.

任何体制都有自身所不能克服的“盲点”,市场经济也不例外。Any system has own cannot overcome "the scotoma ", the market economy is not exceptional.

结论全层黄斑裂孔的残留视力为中心外视力,视网膜上存在中心绝对暗点。Conclusions In the full-thickness macular hole was eccentric fixation and have central absolute scotoma.

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主要为环状暗点和弥漫性损害,属轻、中度改变。Change shape was mainly annular scotoma and diffuse damage, change degree was mainly light and medium damage.

我国现行的农村环境保护法律还处于相当分散状态,很多方面还是空白。The present law to the protection of the country environment is so disperser and there is still much scotoma.

把握好整个知识的逻辑结构就可以避免知识点的遗漏和盲点。The logistic construction that has held whole knowledge can avoid the omission of intellectual dot and scotoma.

目的观察年龄相关性黄斑变性中心暗点与阅读速度的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between reading speed and center scotoma in age-related macular degeneration.

关于学校制度的本体功能的研究一直是教育科学研究中的一个“盲点”。Research on the function of school system has been considered as a "scotoma" all the time in the scientific research of education.

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新一代7系先进的主动安全系统包括主动盲点探测系统和新的夜视系统。The new generation 7 are the advanced initiative safety system including the initiative scotoma detection system and the new night-time vision system.

常见病征包括视力减退视野模糊影像扭曲变形变大或缩小离散盲点及阅读困难。Common symptoms include reduced visual acuity , blurred vision , visual distortion metamorphosia , macropsia and micropsia , discrete scotoma , and reading difficulty.

由于缺乏整合性的考量,导致各系统间无法作一有效的整合与利用,形成管理上的盲点。Due to lack of integration considerations, it leads to the various systems are unable to make an effective integration and usage. And it will be a "scotoma" in management.

关于国际条约在我国国内法的效力问题,我国法律规定得不完善,由此导致我国参加或缔结的国际条约在国内的适用问题出现了法律盲点。On the domestic effect of international treaty, the regulation is imperfect which results in law scotoma in application when China attends or signs an international treaty.

在这样的教育中,即便公认的“好孩子”,他们也不但内心苦闷,而且其他方面的素质发展成为大家关注的盲点。In such education, even if recognizes the good child, not only they the innermost feelings are also depressed, moreover other aspect's quality develops into everybody attention scotoma.

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国家主义是苏联法学的本体,是全部法律制度的基点,应当通过批判性的分析和反思,重新展现出其理论意义、价值和盲点。As nationalism is the noumenon of USSR law and the basic point of her legal system, we should rethink the theoretical significance, value and scotoma by critical analysis and theoretical reflections.