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真是白得耀眼的房间呐!Oh, what a dazzlingly white room!

定是珍奇异宝,如此夺目璀璨。So dazzlingly radiant, it must be treasure rare.

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怎样灿烂地笑——它会点亮你的人生。How to smile dazzlingly – it will light up your life.

令人目眩的华灯之下竟有一副黑暗的躯体。Against the dazzlingly bright lights lay a dark figure.

箱子里满是耀眼的金光闪闪的金币和金块。The box was full of dazzlingly shining gold coins and gold nuggets.

这景象美极了,简直无法形容。The spectacle was so dazzlingly beautiful that it beggared description.

看,它玲珑剔透、光彩奕奕,它的价值无与伦比。Look, it is exquisite and dazzlingly brilliant and its value is incomparable.

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一个清新灿烂的早晨,我站在多塞特布满岩石的荒芜海滩上。A dazzlingly clear morning and I am standing on a rock-strewn, deserted beach in Dorset.

于是,他只是远远的看着那灿烂的双颊和淘气的绿色眸子。So he was content just to stare at those dazzlingly high cheekbones and haughty green eyes.

购房“吃套者”,成为眼下一个很刺眼且很响亮的新词汇。Buying homes "eats the set", becomes at present one very dazzlingly , and very resounding new glossary.

在这样的地区里,淡水湖与海洋相遇,创建了一个名为河口的多种多样、光辉灿烂的生态系统。Areas like this, where freshwater meets the ocean, create dazzlingly diverse ecosystems called estuaries.

他用满脸可亲的微笑看着这人的嘴唇部位,里面的牙齿在暗色的双唇间白得耀眼炫目。He saw the man's lips part in a full enticing smile, he saw teeth dazzlingly white between the dusky lips.

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这些看起来冰火不融的现状使得外界非常迷惑——有时也令中国自己的领导人困惑不已。Such seeming contradictions are dazzlingly confusing to outsiders -- and sometimes to China's own leaders.

需要承认的是,那时正在进行比基尼比赛,所有选手都穿着蓝色泳装,看起来高挑、苗条而且惊人的相似。Admittedly, this was the bikini round, where everyone wore blue and looked tall, skinny and dazzlingly similar.

只不过他哥哥这般炫耀地向前猛进,他自己却站着不动——或者说是“懒散着”更适当些。Only his brother was moving so dazzlingly onward, while he was standing still—perhaps "drifting" would be the better word.

当她穿着富贵的衣服出现在大家面前,她显得美貌绝伦,全朝廷的人都深深地鞠躬表示欢迎。As she stood before them in all her rich dress, she looked so dazzlingly beautiful that the court bowed low in her presence.

我不会说得这么绝对,毕竟现在精力充沛的人们通常能工作到60岁,甚至更久老当益壮。I would not go that far. Energetic people now routinely work through their 60s and beyond, and remain dazzlingly productive.

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白天,明晃晃的阳光那么灿烂,骄傲、潇洒,无所遁形。In the daytime, the dazzlingly clear sunlight is so brilliant, proud and natural and unrestrained, have no the form escaped.

据说,圣徒保罗在去大马士革的路上看见耶稣幻化的令人眩目的形象后便皈依了基督教。It is said that Saint Paul converted to Christianity after he saw a dazzlingly transformed image of Jesus on his way to Damascus.

我们很幸运,生长在一个崭新的时代,科学从未如此鲜艳夺目的花朵,科学的道路从来没有这么宽。We are lucky to grow in a new era science has never been so dazzlingly beautiful flowers the road of science has never been so wide.