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我是含着金汤匙出生的。I was born loaded.

她是那年出生的?When was she born?

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他是五月份出生的。He was born in May.

我是四九年出生的。I was born in 1949.

我是四月22日出生的。I was born on 4,22.

你是哪年生的?。When were you born?

他生于1950年。He was born in 1950.

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他是故事大王,天生的好口才。He was born to chat.

我并非生来就是一个性情温和的人。I was not born mild.

他出生在集美。He was born in Jimei.

我出生于加拿大。I was born in Canada.

人之初,性本善。People are born good.

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你出生在1811年?Did you born in 1811 ?

人人生来都是平等的。Pepole are born equal.

我们都已经出生了。We have all been born.

阿尔西是个天才猎人。Arcee is a born hunter.

陈是在春天出生的。Chen was born in sping.

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我可是在泰国出生的。I was born in Thailand.

我天生鸽趾。I was born pigeon-toed.

我很忻悦你出世了。I'm glad you were born.