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雨水流掉了。The rainwater drained away.

雨水从屋檐滴下来。Rainwater trickled from the eaves.

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让雨水从这个管道中流过去。Let the rainwater run through this pipe.

它的食槽里面积了一英寸的水。His trough had an inch of rainwater in it.

后来我们就用罐头盒接雨水喝。In the end we drank rainwater from the tin.

雨水到它再到路河和湖。Rainwater finds its way to rivers and lakes.

集雨是唯一的解决方案。"Rainwater harvesting is the only solution".

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不过雨水无法渗透过他们的茅草房。But rainwater cannot penetrate their cottages.

这时可以用易拉罐收集并存储雨水。Use a soda can to collect and store rainwater.

山上的雨水全都汇集流进了山洼里。Rainwater on the mountain flows into the valley.

屋顶上的雨水都流入管道中。All the rainwater on the roof runs into the pipe.

雨水从天花板的裂缝中滴下。The rainwater dripped through a crack on the ceiling.

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用收集的雨水来给草坪和花园浇水。Using Rainwater Collection To Water The Lawn &Garden.

哪里没有水库可以存水。There is no reservoir for the rainwater storage there.

用收集的雨水来给草坪和花园浇水。Using Rainwater Collection To Water The Lawn & Garden.

那里没有水库可以存水。There is no reservoir for the rainwater storage there.

青青的石板路,缓缓流淌着积累的雨水。Green stone road, slowly flow accumulation of rainwater.

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雨水从屋顶的破洞处哗哗往下流。The rainwater is splashing down from the hole of the roof.

地面上好几处凹陷的地方都积满了雨水。Several sunken areas in the road are brimful with rainwater.

接线盒应密封,防止雨水进入。The junction box should be sealed to keep it from rainwater.