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指挥“伊卡洛斯”号去奥米克戎区找到上将。Take the Icarus to the Omicron sector to find the Admiral.

一旦“伊卡洛斯”号修复,你就能返回奥米克戎区。Once the Icarus is repaired you can return to Omicron Sector.

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建议我们调整进入奥米克戎区矢量J太塔区的再入点。Recommend we adjust re-entry point to Omicron J-Vector Theta.

鲸鱼座的o星是一颗变星,它的固有名为蒭藁增二。It's a variable star, Omicron Ceti, whose proper name is Mira.

长官,它就是在奥米克戎区攻击我们的同一太空人。Sir, it's the same aliens that attacked us in the Omicron Sector.

那么好吧,文斯。指挥“伊卡洛斯”号去奥米克戎区找到上将。Okay then, Vince. Take the Icarus to the Omicron sector to find the Admiral.

欧麦龙男装的生产线全线引进德国、意大利的尖端生产设备和生产工艺,为产品品质提供坚强的保障。Omicron Ceti introduces advanced production equipment and production technology from Germany, Italy, providing strong guarantee for product quality.

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我的天那,我的买卖砸了“,而是因为,我们用了希腊字母,大写的,来代表这种方法。This isn't big Oh as in oh my God I'm shocked the markets are collapsing, This is called big Oh omicron because we use the Greek letter, capital letter, omicron to represent it.

我的天那,我的买卖砸了“,而是因为,我们用了希腊字母,大写的,来代表这种方法。This isn't big Oh as in oh my God I'm shocked the markets are collapsing, This is called big Oh omicron because we use the Greek letter, capital letter, omicron to represent it.

产品采用OMICRON插接式连接专利,并采用不锈钢主水道及不锈钢连接丝扣,解决了散热器易漏水问题。Our products adopt OMICRON plug connection patent and use stainless steel main water tubes as well as stainless steel connection screws, solving the water leakage problem of the radiators.