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法特莱克跑可以是非常艰辛的也可以是你这周最轻松的一次训练。Fartlek can be the most difficult or the easiest workout of the week.

“法特莱克”是瑞典语“速度游戏”的意思。Fartlek is a Swedish term that means 'speed play' or playing with speed.

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如果正确以方法去跑,这是种非常有效和令人满意的锻炼形式。When done properly fartlek is an effective and satisfying form of training.

之所以流行的理由之一即是法特莱克训练非常灵活。One reason that the fartlek workout is so popular is that it is so flexible.

你可以在任何地方进行这种法特莱克跑,用你的手表作为你的指针。You can do this type of fartlek workout anywhere since your watch is your guide.

为了在寒冷的季节保持你的速度,你需要每周进行一次法特莱克跑。To maintain your speed during the cold-weather months, do one fartlek workout every week.

法特莱克跑法相比其他类型跑法,会压力小些,因为这要求心态轻松。Fartlek running is less stressful than other type of workouts because of its free spirited form of running.

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有氧运动技术的综合运用连续,间隔,欧蒂芙,循环,以及变速跑等手段需要综合运用。Incorporate several cardio techniques ? Use a combination of continuous, interval, circuit and Fartlek training.

有氧运动技术的综合运用-连续,间隔,循环,以及变速跑等手段需要综合运用。Incorporate several cardio techniques – Use a combination of continuous, interval, circuit and Fartlek training.

由于法特莱克强度大,如果不进行热身和冷身,您隔天可能会肌肉酸痛。The fartlek can be a difficult workout, and if you don't warm up and cool down, you could have some very sore muscles the next day.

随着时间积累和对此跑法的利用,运动员应该能很好地自己去判断每次训练的强度。With time and a few fartlek sessions under the belt the athlete should be his own best judge of the proper severity of the session.

这个跑步机锻炼是法特莱克锻炼法,它不仅帮助你提升速度,而且还会帮你避免无聊。This treadmill workout is a fartlek workout that will not only help improve your speed, but also help prevent boredom on the treadmill.

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麻烦的冬季让越野跑和其他速度训练变得难以安全的持续进行,但是法特莱克训练不会受到影响。Messy winter weather can make track workouts and other types of speedwork difficult to do consistently and safely. Not so for fartlek workouts.

林地,小路和高尔夫球场都是理想的法特莱克跑场所,尤其是如果场地包含起伏地形和一些路况较好的山路。Wooded areas, trails, parks and golf courses are ideal places for fartlek running, especially if they have rolling terrain and some good hills.

有时候速度可以如冲刺,有时是快速跨步跑,也还有轻松慢跑,恢复时间不预设。There are no set distances to run in fartlek running, the pace varies from all out sprints to fast strides and easy jogging with no predetermined recovery times.

因为可以在山道或马路上进行,结构性法特莱克具有跑道训练的好处,还给您机会跑山坡。A structured fartlek is great because, since it is run on trails or roads, it gives you the benefits of track work while also providing you the chance to run hills.

相比间歇跑和只是重复跑,此法和其他训练方式相结合,会产生很好的训练效果,并且减少运动伤害。Combining other methods of training with fartlek usually provides effective results and fewer injuries compared to running just interval or just repetition running.

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30分钟的跑步时间内,为自己设定一个终点目标,这个目标可以是电线杆、几棵树、几座楼房,或者是其他的跑步人士。Easy fartlek.Fartlek, or speed play, is variable-pace running that emphasizes creativity.During a 30-minute run, choose objects to run to telephone poles, trees, buildings, other runners, whatever.

热身后快跑1分钟、2分钟或者3分钟,然后慢跑或者快走同样的时间。After your warmup, run faster segments of one minute, two minutes, or three minutes. Alternate the fast segments with easy jogging or brisk walking for the same amount of time as your fartlek segment.