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我们设法用卸外胎用的撬棍撬开了盖子。We managed to prise off the lid with a tyre lever.

我最终从她口中套出了他的新住址。I finally managed to prise his new address out of her.

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自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。There is no prise or punishment in nature, only comeuppance.

切尔西和皇家马德里曾经企图把杰拉德从利物浦生拽硬扯地撬过来。Chelsea and Real Madrid have tried to prise Gerrard away from Liverpool.

他不吃,结果就有人用火钳撬开他的嘴。Then tongs were used to prise his mouth open after he refused to swallow excrement.

这是莫言已经诺贝尔奖赏和作者他是我们的骄傲。This is Mo Yan who has gotten the Nobel prise and he was the author we are pride of.

赶到现场的消防员成功将他的身体从电梯里撬了出来,并把他紧急送往了医院。Arriving firefighters managed to prise his body out of the device and rush him to hospital.

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在树上的日子里,里萨尔用一把门锁敲开偶尔漂到他身边的椰果为食。Rizal used a door latch he found to prise open coconuts floating by amid swathes of debris.

企业不适当的处理往往导致不良的后果,设置要承担败诉的苦果。Unsuitable treatment as adopted by an enter- prise will take the consequences of losing a law suit.

社会、经济以及医学的发展对我国医疗卫生事业提出了更高的要求。The development of society, economy, and medicine in China requires higher level on medical enter- prise.

但他们也没能从整个相对论之中找到一丝漏洞,来撬开整个相对论理论的甲胄。But nor have they found a chink in the armour of relativity that they could use to prise the whole thing open.

人们宣称,不管枪手如何开价,曼城都决定要将小法从酋长球场带走。The People claims City are prepared to meet whatever the Gunners demand to prise Fabregas away from the Emirates.

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薪酬体系是支持和实现企业总体战略目标的重要手段。Salary and Reward System is the important way to support and realize general strategic target for the enter- prise.

巴塞罗那主席桑德罗·罗塞尔已经承认他们也许不能在这个夏天将塞斯科·法布雷加斯从阿森纳带到加泰罗尼亚。Barcelona president Sandro Rosell has admitted they may not be able to prise Cesc Fabregas away from Arsenal this summer.

特雷泽盖承认他非常吃惊尤文能在本月从阿森纳买来维埃拉。Juventus striker David Trezeguet admits he is surprised they were able to prise Patrick Vieira away from Arsenal this month.

这种引导性希望的不利一面,通过潜在的提升或者过分夸大的现实,盲目得获取希望。The dark side of hope is that claims about potential improvement can, and are, grossly exaggerated, in order to prise open our wallets.

塞斯科·法布雷加斯坚定的关注他在阿森纳的未来,但是他也承认巴塞罗那做了一切他们能做的努力试图将他从北伦敦的俱乐部签回西班牙。Cesc Fabregas is firmly focussed on his Arsenal future, but admitted that Barcelona did all they could to prise him away from north London.

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埃里克森还说,如果他是另一个俱乐部的经理人,他会不惜代价留住并奖赏这位28岁的队员。Eriksson said similarly if he was manager of another club he would pay anything to try and prise the28-year-old playmaker away from united.

它甚至还有聚碳酸脂的指甲,能帮助它把东西撬开。It has four fingers and a thumb made from various metals and plastics, and even has polycarbonate fingernails to help it prise things apart.

公司现在已在包括广州、深圳、上海、武汉、温州等地均设有办事处及代理商,深得广大经销商和客户的赞誉。The company has set up several branches in GuangZhou, ShenZhen, ShangHai, WuHan, WenZhou, receving many prise of many deputies and customers.