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阴虱仅寄生于阴毛。Pubic lice infest only pubic hair.

海水中有好多动物能侵害木材。Several animals in sea water can infest wood.

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如果它们大批滋生在葡萄藤上,甚至农药也常常没有了效用。If they infest the grapevines, even pesticides are often no use.

宫殿有鼠患,瘸猫比快马强。A lame cat is better than a swift horse when rats infest the palace.

害虫要吃尽你所有的树木和土地的出产。Buzzing insects will infest all your trees and the crops of your soil.

虫族将开始试图再加上另外五个平民的定居点。The Zerg will start trying to infest the five other civilian settlements.

但班氏线虫寄生在里面之后,体液就不能正常地流动。But when tangled nests of worms infest the vessels, fluids can’t flow properly.

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他们的逻辑是,数百万的难民,将会寄生于俄国,最终被淹没。The logic is that the refugees, by the millions, would infest Russia, and eventually drown.

细菌大批出没于骨头髓,淋巴腺,重要的器官和中央的神经系统。The bacteria infest the bone marrow, lymph glands, vital organs and the central nervous system.

这种害虫能够侵染瓜类是众所周知的,巴拿马是一个主要的瓜类生产商和出口商地方。The pest is known to infest cucurbits, and Panama is a major producer and exporter of cucurbits.

怪物在附近区域大批滋生,使得在这里工作十分危险,但雷姆塔维尔仍坚持不懈。Monsters infest the nearby area, making it a dangerous place to work, but Remtravel is persistent.

答案是肯定的,腐蚀者能够侵染任何飞行单位或者是任何被无重力技能托起的单位。Yes, Corruptors can infest anything that flies or is forced into the air by abilities such as Anti-Gravity.

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首先,德国小蠊在生殖结构上,它的每个卵荚含有的卵比其它物种要多得多。First, the German cockroach has a larger number of eggs per capsule than the other species that infest structures.

但愿一千只骆驼上的跳蚤都寄生在英国人的腋下!For sheer duplicity there is no one to beat – the British! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits!

大黄粉虫幼体一种拟步行虫属的甲壳虫幼虫,寄生于面粉和其他产品中,常被作为鸟食而饲养。The larva of various beetles of the genus Tenebrio that infest flour and other products and are often for bird feed.

大黄粉虫幼体一种拟步行虫属的壳虫,寄生于面粉和其他谷类产品中,常被作为鸟而饲养。The of various beetles of the genus Tenebrio that infest flour and other grain products and are often raised for bird.

所以修行人及一般人必定是泾渭分明的两个世界。For this reason, the life of man of practice and the life of the man in the infest society is totally different worlds.

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寄生者还能寄生建筑吗?因为在战报2里它显示寄生者从蛋里生出被寄生机枪兵。Im wondering if the infestor can still infest building because in battle report 2 it show infestor spawn terran from eggs.

研究人员称,海虱一般寄生于人工养殖的三文鱼,但是也会感染游过的粉红三文鱼。The researchers say these parasites commonly infest salmon raised in farms but also attack young pink salmons that swim nearby.

大黄粉虫幼体一种拟步行虫属的甲壳虫幼虫,寄生于面粉和其他谷类产品中,常被作为鸟食而饲养。The larva of various beetles of the genus Tenebrio that infest flour and other grain products and are often raised for bird feed.