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在分娩前一个星期,每天供应一次垫料。Install a heat lamp and turn it on the day before farrowing.

如果分娩停止,将母猪赶在通道内适当运动。If farrowing stops, exercise the sow in the inspection alley.

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一定要在仔猪出生36小时之内完成仔猪的寄养。Cross-fostering must be complete max. 36 hours after farrowing.

杜洛克的体况在产仔时更容易掉膘。Duroc are more likely to be over conditioned at farrowing time.

分娩日只提供麸皮或少量的饲料。Day of farrowing give bran only or very limited amounts of feed.

小猪从出生到3-4周大的时候,这段时间小猪和母猪是在产房里度过的。From birth to 3-4 weeks of age, the piglets are with the sow in the farrowing house.

或者,可以在分娩时给母猪注射长效青霉素。Alternatively sows can be injected with long-acting penicillin at point of farrowing.

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这种拉线的结合使得两边的球员会双倍地施压于防守一方。This farrowing combination allows the wide players to double up on the defending side.

为了获得一个好的产仔指数,它的基本拿起任何回报的服务。In order to obtain a good farrowing index, it's essential to pick up any returns to service.

每次分娩开始后24小时,就可建立每日固定的饲喂量。Hours after farrowing commence the steady building of feed on a daily basis with no preset maximum.

母猪和它的窝仔都被关在产房里直到仔猪9-14天年龄时。The sows and litters were kept in the farrowing house until the pigs were about 9 to 14 days of age.

当怀孕的种猪准备临产时,她们将从怀孕箱转移到生产箱。When pregnant sows are ready to give birth, they are moved from a gestation crate to a farrowing crate.

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母猪经常发生便秘,是因为它们在分娩后的前几天没有获得足够的饲料。Often sows are constipated because they are not given enough feed during the first few days after farrowing.

一般需要几天时间母猪便可恢复分娩过程中的水流失,恢复体内正常的水平衡。It takes a few days for a sow to recover the water lost during farrowing and to return to a normal water balance.

母猪如果和受到热应激的公猪配种可能会导致产仔率下降、产仔数减少。Females bred to boars that have been subjected to heat stress may have a lowered farrowing rate and smaller litter sizes.

用电灯产热或者是垫子给小猪取暖,保证小猪猪舍里的温度,这样小猪才能生活的舒适。Very shortly after birth, piglets will nurse. A heat lamp or pad and a warm farrowing room temperature ensures piglet comfort.

但是,2年内这种尝试便以失败告终,因为它的费用超过了其理论提高分娩次数产生的效益。But within 2 years it fell by the wayside due to cost overriding the theoretical benefit of turning over the farrowing index much more quickly.

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猪产崽于畜棚里,猪一般一年产崽两次,每次大概有猪崽八到十二个。The animals are born or farrow in a farrowing barn. Pigs usually give birth two times a year. Each time they have about eight to twelve piglets.

母猪只有在交配期,或是被移至待产的猪舍时,才有机会离开原来的猪圈。The sow leaves her stall only when it is time for mating or for transfer to the farrowing accommodation where she will give birth to her litter.

选择一头正在分娩或者刚分娩完的非常安静的母猪,像给奶牛挤奶一样,将奶挤入杯子中。You can express the milk into a cup. Pick a calm sow that is farrowing or has just farrowed. Use your hand as you would when milking a cow by hand.