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死了一个修女。A nun dies.

蔫得太快了。It dies too fast.

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而她,卒于十月。She dies in October.

死亡大约如是?Is dies etwa der Tod?

坏事传千年。A bad thing neer dies.

老子戳死你!Lao Tze Chuo dies you!

芳婷在微笑中死去。She dies with a smile.

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坏事遗臭万年。A bad thing never dies.

鱼离开水就会死的。Fish dies out of water.

那个人死了再给我打电话。Call me when the man dies.

我们都知道人终有一死。We all knew everyone dies.

声音渐弱,最后消失了。The sound dies away slowly.

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一个男人死后下了地狱。A man dies and goes to hell.

如果投影仪死机了怎么办?What if your projector dies?

然后这个悲哀的故事逐渐消失。But the doleful tale dies away.

他必须在她死之前与她见面。He must see her before she dies.

好莱坞老牌演员保罗·纽曼去世,享年83岁。Actor Paul Newman dies at age 83.

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午夜的最后一声钟鸣沉寂。The last stroke of midnight dies.

虽然把花折断,花会死。Though the flower dies if plucked.

一个人死后,他的脚踢到灰尘。When a man dies he kicks the dust.