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实现了四棱豆的快速无性繁殖。And the rapid somatic propagation was realized.

目的探讨神经症患者的躯体化症状。Objective To study somatic symptoms in neuroses.

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一个体细胞是如何变成整株植物的?How does a single somatic cell become a whole plant?

通常源于种系的新突变或体细胞突变。Often the result of a new germline or somatic mutation.

松香草体细胞染色体银染色研究。Silver staining of somatic chromosomes of Silphium perfoliatum.

体细胞中存在二倍体细胞是性细胞中出现二倍体细胞的前提。Only if diploid cell was in somatic cells, it would appear in PMCs.

冷处理对蔷薇科植物的体胚分化有效。Cold treatment was effective for differentiation of somatic embryos.

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是胚胎培养过程中,二倍体细胞发育为胚胎的过程。The development of embryos from diploid somatic cells in embryo culture.

相对于体细胞,胚胎干细胞的细胞周期调控非常特别。In addition, ESCs differ from somatic cells in the cell-cycle regulation.

可可体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生体系的构建。Study on Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Theobroma Cacao L.

云杉属树种体细胞胚胎发生的形态学和细胞组织学研究。The morphology and cytohistology of somatic embryogenesis in Picea species.

结果表明,龙须草生殖方式为无融合生殖的体细胞无孢子生殖。The results showed that the mode of reproduction conforms somatic apospory.

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本试验对白鹤芋体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生进行了研究。The somatic embryogenesis and plantlets regeneration of Ziziphus jujube cv.

全部胚状体来源于体细胞愈伤组织的外围。All embryoids originated in the peripheral layer cells of the somatic calli.

本发明公开了一种生产体细胞克隆猪的方法。The present invention discloses production process of somatic cell cloned pig.

旋毛虫的体细胞分离,可以不用加胰酶消化。It need not add pancreatin to separate the somatic cells of Trichinella spiralis.

将栽培种花生8823体细胞胚和匍匐区组近缘野生种A。Protoplasts isolated from somatic embryos of peanut cv. 8823 and slender stem of A.

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植物的体细胞不需要繁琐的体细胞核移植技术,就能重新变成植物胚胎细胞。They don't need the complicated process of somatic cell nuclear transfer technique.

缝隙连接介导的细胞与细胞间反应也是干细胞分化中必需的。Stem cell differentiation was the gap junction between stem cells and somatic cells.

总结了近30年来蔷薇科植物体细胞胚胎发生及影响因素的研究进展。Advances in somatic embryogenesis of Rosaceae plants in recent 30 years were reviewed.