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铁合金工业。Iron Alloy Industry.

这伤害了产业。It hurt the industry.

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炼铝工业。The aluminum industry.

我群膺宝业。Bao Ying industry group.

建筑石材业。Building stone industry.

他的勤劳使我感到惭傀。His industry rebukes me.

广州西竹实业有限公司。Xizhu Industry Co. , Ltd.

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这表明她的勤奋。This attests her industry.

我并不缺乏勤奋。I have not lacked industry.

鼓励企业提档升级。Encourage industry upgrading.

盐化工业园区。Salt Chemistry Industry Park.

行业再有起色。The industry picked up again.

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贪婪是工业的兴奋剂。Avarice, the spur of industry.

这个行业也在变化。It's a fast-changing industry.

旅游业是一种服务业。Tourism is a service industry.

自华为中国实业。Hunan Huawei China Industry Co.

玩具业现在不景气。The toy industry is in a slump.

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电信业能否重新振兴?。Can Telecom Industry Re-collect?

这完全取决于你的行业。It all depends on your industry.

它是一个产值十亿美元的产业。It is a billion-dollar industry.