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海绵吸水。A sponge absorbs water.

他吞下了一块海绵。He’d swallowed a sponge.

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海绵把水吸干了。The sponge drank up the water.

她已是一块浸满了水的海绵。She is a sponge that is soaked.

那么,我要一块鸡蛋松糕。Then, I'll order a sponge cake.

她的大脑是否像海绵一样有强大的吸收力?Does she have a brain like a sponge?

腥臭的海绵船不断的开了进来The frowsy sponge boats keep coming in

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用扭曲的海绵大力搓洗玻璃。Scrub the glass with a wrung-out sponge.

这种冰柱比正常的冰块看起来更像海绵。It is a lot more sponge like than normal ice.

将已冷却的蛋糕放在案板上。Lay cooled sponge cake flat on cutting board.

先用海绵擦洗一下,再冲淋浴。Sponge yourself down, and then take a shower.

她用海绵把地板使劲儿擦了一遍。She gave the floor a vigorous sponge all over.

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先用湿海绵擦一下玻璃,然后用一块干布擦干净。Sponge the glass, then clean with a dry cloth.

现存的最接近的类似物或许是海绵。The closest living analogue might be a sponge.

他像一块浸满水的海绵。He has been sopping up influences like a sponge.

四层的海绵蛋糕,还有涩玛蒂尼。Sponge cake with four layers, and a dry Martini.

你不能老在我这里吃闲饭,你也得自己干点儿什么。You can't always sponge on me, but have to work.

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一条海鳝静静地在海绵中守候猎物自己上门。Waiting for a meal, a moray eel hides in a sponge.

他倒水在上面然后压榨那块海绵。He poured water on it, Then he squeezed the sponge.

捏紧海绵,把水挤出来。Squeeze the sponge so that all the water comes out.