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木质纤维素的结构导致其不易降解。The structure of lignocellulose makes it hard to be degraded.

木质纤维素是地球上数量最丰富的可再生性资源。Lignocellulose is the most abundant renewable resource in the world.

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木糖的有效利用是木质纤维素全利用的基础。Efficient use of xylose is the basis for using lignocellulose completely.

杉树木质纤维素对酯型儿茶素类选择性吸附的研究。Study on the specific adsorption of catechin gallates by cedar lignocellulose.

木质纤维素是生产生物能源和材料的重要原料。Lignocellulose is a key feedstock for production of bioenergy and biobased products.

利用木质纤维素制备乙醇是解决能源结构的有效方法。The production of alcohol from lignocellulose is an effective way to improve energy structure.

红菇对培养基的营养有特殊的要求,其分解木质纤维素的能力较弱。It has special requirement in nutrient, and the decomposition ability to lignocellulose was weaker.

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木质纤维素转化为乙醇是生物质能源转化过程中研究的热点。Lignocellulose converted to bioethanol is currently a hot subject in bioenergy conversion research.

利用微生物将木质纤维素转化成乙醇已成为当前研究的热点。For the conversion of lignocellulose into fuel ethanol by microorganisms is being studied intensively.

木质纤维素原料的预处理技术是影响其生产燃料乙醇发酵工业化的关键因素。Pretreatment methods of lignocellulose raw materials playa key role in industrialization of fuel ethanol.

提出应进一步加强纤维素生产燃料乙醇的研究。Meanwhile, some suggestions to further study on the production of fuel ethanol from lignocellulose are also given.

纤维质物料的预处理是木质纤维素原料生产燃料乙醇的关键步骤。The pretreatment of lignocellulose is a critical step in the production of fuel ethanol by lignocellulosic materials.

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从植物自身细胞壁蛋白活性出发来研究木质纤维素的酶解,为研究其酶解机制和高效酶解方法提供了新思路。The main cell wall proteins of plant and the potential effects on enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose are reviewed.

目前木质纤维素酶水解因其具有明显优势而受到重视,被普遍研究和采用。For its distinct merits, enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose was important, and was extensively researched and adopted.

本文以木屑和谷壳作为纤维类原料,对其制取燃料酒精过程中的预处理工艺和酶水解工艺进行了研究。In the paper, we study pretreatment and enzymatic technics on lignocellulose to ethanol with wood and rice hull as materials.

发现在发酵过程中蜡样芽孢杆菌菌体产酶的过程也就是木质纤维素的降解糖化过程。The results show that the process of biodegradation of lignocellulose is actually the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation.

木质纤维素是世界上最丰富的可再生性资源,而开发利用木质纤维素的关键就是纤维素酶。Lignocelluose is the most abundant renewable resources in the world, and cellulase is the key of developing and applying lignocellulose.

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阐述了由木质纤维素可再生生物质资源制备生物燃料乙醇对我国可持续发展的重要意义。The significance of preparation of bio-ethanol from lignocellulose renewable biomass in Chinese sustainable development were elaborated.

基于木质纤维素物质来源广、成本低等特点,这类原料制备生物乙醇的研究取得了很大的进展。Based on its low cost and extensive sources, greater progresses had been made on theses researches on the preparing bio-ethanol with lignocellulose.

最后,研究了胞外酶对农业废物堆肥中木质纤维素降解及微生物群落演替的影响。The effects of extracellular enzymes on the lignocellulose degradation and the succession of microbial community in agricultural waste composts were studied.