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仁爱乃征服人类之最高贵兵器。Kindness is noblest weapon to conquer with.

书——人类发出的最美妙的声音。Book-the noblest sound that man has yet uttered.

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您是我在世界上的最高尚的莫逆之交。You are the best friend I have in the world and the noblest.

罗伯特李体现了贵族政治理想中最高尚的部分。Lee embodied the noblest elements of this aristocratic ideal.

诚实的人是上帝创造的最佳作品---亚历山大。蒲柏,英国诗人。An honest man's the noblest work of God---Alexander Pope, English poet.

细微的行动胜过美妙而不切实际的计划!The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.

我懂,但是你觉得哪个是最有价值,最高贵的体验?I know, but which do you think was the worthiest, the noblest experience?

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加拉哈德爵士是圆桌骑士中最纯洁高尚的一个。Sir Galahad was the noblest and purest of the Knights of the Round Table.

怎麽说圣体是至尊至大的圣事呢?Why is the Blessed Eucharist the greatest and noblest of the sacraments ?

他必需生活,谁想得最多,谁感觉最高贵,谁的高音最好。He must lives, who thinks most, who feels the noblest and who alts the best.

应时而生的唯美主义则为他提供了一种最高品质的生活空间。At that time, Aestheticism provided him with a kind of noblest existential space.

人应尊敬他自己,并应自视能配得上最高尚的东西。People should respect himself, and should be able noblest thing worthy of self-regard.

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在无限的遐思中,怀着最崇高的精神,我们漫步在最高尚、最炫丽的境界。We walk, in imagination, with the noblest spirits, through the most sublime and enchanting regions.

亚当•斯密在国富论中写道“战争艺术,是所有艺术中最崇高的”。"The art of war," Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of Nations, "is certainly the noblest of all arts.

好奇心是人类最宝贵的天赋之一,再加上勇气,二者驱动着我们改变着自己。Curiosity is one of the noblest human faculties and, allied with courage, drives us to transform our-selves.

他对她恭维备至,赞不绝口,仿佛他是在向一位最美丽最尊贵的夫人讲话。He was as courteous and complimentary to her as if it was the fairest and noblest of ladies whom he was addressing.

就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最尊贵、最真诚和最弘远的理想,可是琅缦沔很少有任何金钱。It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them.

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无私地追求真理,当然是人们能够选择的最崇高的真理,当然是人们能够选择的最崇高的和最高尚的事业之一。——英奇。The disinterested search for truth is certainly one of the highest and noblest careers that a man can choose. ——W. R. Inge.

疯狂的、破产的、自杀的以及其他的想象不到的天意迟早会以忧郁的回潮折磨家族的尊贵。Lunacy, bankruptcy, suicide and other unthinkable fates sooner or later afflict the noblest of clans with an undertow of gloom.

他确信艺术是人类最圣洁的能力,远超过雕塑、写作或音乐才能。He believed art to be the noblest and greatest of all of man's abilities and of higher importance than sculpturing, writing or musicianship.