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是迎春花的臂膀。Is arm of primrose.

我看见他在樱草花山上。I saw him on Primrose Hill.

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还记得报春山上的风景吗?Remember the Primrose Hill set?

四月带来报春花美美甜甜。April brings the primrose sweet.

金黄色的九轮花和淡红的樱草花。The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose.

那边绿荫中的樱草花丛。Through primrose tufts, in that green bower.

穿过樱草草皮,在那甜美凉亭里头。Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower.

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他们沿著报春花盛开的河岸边走边聊。They walked along the primrose bank chatting.

淡黄色至棕褐色粉,易吸潮。Primrose yellow to brown powder, Moisture absorption easily.

四月带来报春花美美甜甜,脚边的雏菊星星点点。April brings the primrose sweet , scatters daisies at our feet.

欧亚报春花,花黄色,丛生于单侧。Eurasian primrose with yellow flowers clustered in a one-sided umbel.

然后,至少在很短的时间内,我可以假装漫步在长满报春花的小路上。Then for a short time , at least , I can pretend to walk down a primrose path.

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河床边那株报春花,对他而言就是一株淡黄的报春花,不可能是其他东西。A primrose by a river's brim, a yellow primrose was to him, and it was nothing more.

这里,沙丘在黄昏樱草花植物开花竖立在波浪起伏的沙漠是马鞭草属植物。Here, dune evening primrose flowers stand out in a sea of purple desert sand verbena.

澳之选月见草油采用冷榨及非残液油分制而成。Aozhixuan Evening Primrose Oil Capsule is made of cold-pressed oil and residue-free oil.

包含夜来香花油,鱼油,镁或者混合维他命E和B的食物补给。Dietary supplements containing evening primrose oil, fish oils, magnesium or vitamins E and B complex.

这是一种非常少见的,长势强健的常绿藤本植物,于春夏开出淡黄色的钟状花朵。A very rare, vigorous evergreen vine with pretty primrose yellow trumpet flowers throughout Spring and Summer.

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纤体瘦身精油含葡萄柚、丝柏、杜松、百里香、月见草油等成分。Body slimming essential oilContain Grapefruit, Cypress, Hackmatack and Thyme essential oils-Evening Primrose oil.

幸运的是,我的漫步路线必须经过樱草山和摄政公园,因此举目皆是树木和花园。I am lucky that my walk takes me across Primrose Hill and right through Regents Park, trees and gardens all the way.

在有些地方黄色的报春花被认作仙女杯,因为雨天仙女会在花里避雨。In some places, the yellow primrose is known as a fairy cup, for it is a place of shelter for fairies on rainy days.