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但我不想和一个有后援团的人约会。And I don't really want to date someone who has a posse.

那位行政司法长官说,警察们可以在关口截住那些亡命之徒。The sheriff said posse could head off the outlaws at the pass.

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故事从一团“迷局”开始,到底真相是什么?Story from posse " fan bureau " begin, after all what is the truth?

有时候,兄弟姐妹反目成仇,为的是多的一份财产。Sometimes siblings betray to each other in order to posse a piece of legacy.

另外,在鞋子上镶上一团毛茸茸的小球也是很时髦的妆扮哟…Additional, set on shoe on the spherule of posse shagginess also is very modern dress up oh.

“波赛”为他们提供全额奖学金,把他们分为10人团队派往各学院和大学。Posse gives them full scholarships and sends them to colleges and universities in teams of 10.

“波赛”项目已向遍布全国的各学院和大学输送了3,665名学生。The Posse program has placed 3, 665 students in colleges and universities throughout the country.

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不管怎样,你有一大群富有经验的内脏审查者,他们专司分析你的每一根血管,每一根筋。Anyway, you have a huge posse of experienced entrails -sifters who do nothing but analyze your every vein and lobe.

他走到哪里都会带着一个“红发性感美女”,这人是他乌克兰护士队里的高级成员。The memos also said he was accompanied everywhere by a “voluptuous blonde,” the senior member of his posse of Ukrainian nurses.

匈牙利邦本计划在2002年夏天进行欧洲巡演但是巡演的大巴就在拉脱维亚的城市里加那晚被盗。Posse was supposed to do an European tour in the summer 2002 but the bands van was stolen the very first night in Riga , Latvia.

可是现在她决意不例行课后坐毯子上冥想,径直前去阿姆斯特丹区平稳互助见面会二期。But now she decided to skip her post-class musing-on-the-mats routine, head straight for the Serenity Posse II meeting on Amsterdam.

而且我就要结婚了,我可不想在结婚时屁股后面跟着一群条子。I'm getting married, papi, and I'm sure as hell not doing it with no posse on my ass. Man, I ought to beat you six ways till Sunday!

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在某一天,下载毛拉·奥马尔和他的地方武装卫队在塔拉波拉的大山里的喋喋不休的录像。Once a week, download Mullah Omar and his posse of theocrats spittin' mad chatter from their hideout in the mountains near Tora Bora.

匈牙利邦本计划在2002年夏天进行欧洲巡演但是巡演的大巴就在拉脱维亚的城市里加那晚被盗。Magyar Posse was supposed to do an European tour in the summer 2002 but the bands van was stolen the very first night in Riga , Latvia.

海杜克,一前绿色贝雷帽和“荒野复仇者”,最后一次露面是从悬崖下吊火,从直升机和波西。Hayduke, an ex-Green Beret and "wilderness avenger, " was last seen hanging from a cliff, under fire from both a helicopter and a posse.

贝尔在右面毫不起眼,但是他在左边却很有作为,当他在左边的第1次认真地奔跑就引起一群黄马后卫的围追。He made no impact on the right but made up for it on the left, drawing a posse of Madrid defenders to his side with his first serious run.

与现行的分配办法相比,该方法具有理论基础牢固,对象明确,操作简单,符合市场经济规律等特点。In comparison with current ones, the method posse explicitness in object, simplicity in operation, and conforming to market law and so on.

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该文件列出了例外的地方保安队法,联邦法律禁止军队在美国境内进行军事活动。The document lists exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act, the federal law that prohibits the military from operating in the United States.

学院学生困在一个堕落的城镇,那里只有血腥的比尔安德逊和他的邪恶干尸武装队。手无寸铁的学生如何与血腥比尔抗衡?如何逃出比尔的魔掌呢?College students are stranded in an abandoned town whose only law is the ghost of ruthless gunslinger Bloody Bill Anderson and his posse of vicious zombies.

这句“格言”好像流传很久了,理论依据是“距离产生美”,所谓远看一朵花,近看一团麻。This " gnomic " seem to circulate very long, academic basis is " the distance produces the United States " , alleged far see a flower, see posse hemp nearly.