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育亨宾是什么?What is yohimbine?

育亨宾的功效?What are the effects of yohimbine?

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如果你准备服用育亨宾If you are planning on taking yohimbine

服用育亨宾存在的风险?What are the risks of taking yohimbine?

育亨宾是一种带有毒性的生物碱。Yohimbine is a kind of poisonous alkaloid.

将育亨宾与其他兴奋剂混用是很危险的。It is dangerous to mix yohimbine with other stimulants.

育亨宾看起来是蓝色的小丸。Yohimbine may be nature's answer to the little blue pill.

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高剂量的育亨宾能引起强烈的幻觉。A high dosage of yohimbine can cause strong hallucinations.

本文所述内容属于天然生物碱育亨宾合成研究课题的一部分。This paper belongs to one part of research of yohimbine alkaloid.

孕妇不要服用育亨宾,它也许会导致流产。Do not take yohimbine if you are pregnant. It can cause miscarriages.

有肝肾疾病患者禁用育亨宾。Yohimbine is contraindicated for use by those with liver and kidney disease.

育亨宾或新斯的明却能增进由ST引起的水和电解质的分泌。Yohimbine or neostigmine augmented the net loss of water and electrolytes induced by ST.

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切忌将育亨宾与含有酪胺的食物,如奶酪,葡萄酒,熟透的水果等混用。Do not mix yohimbine with foods containing tyramine, like cheese, wine, and overripe fruit.

育亨宾能够提高男性射精时的力度和数量,从而增强男性的快感。Yohimbine has even been shown to increase the force and the amount of ejaculate, enhancing the male orgasm.

可卡因和育亨宾通过不同的作用途径使动脉条释放NE增加。Cocaine and yohimbine increased the release of NE from artery strips probably through a different course of action.

但是育亨宾不能阻断侧脑室注射GABA的中枢降压作用,而苦味毒则能完全阻断其降压效应。But yohimbine could not antagonize the central hypotensive action of GABA, while picrotoxin could entirely block it.

育亨宾看起来是蓝色的小丸。但是这种草本伟哥不适用于神经质人群。Yohimbine may be nature's answer to the little blue pill. But this herbal Viagra isn't for those of nervous disposition.

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本课题组在参照国外文献报道的基础上,确定育亨宾合成研究课题,并设计了整体的合成路线。With reference to the related foreign literatures, we decided to put the synthesis of yohimbine on our schedule and design routine.

我们现在才刚刚研究如何结合其他育亨宾化合物消融协同工作,以进一步提高去甲肾上腺素。We are only now just studying how the combination of the other Yohimbine compounds in Meltdown work in concert to increase NE even further.

如果你已经存在焦虑或恐慌的问题,那它将起不到什么帮助。Yohimbine can over-stimulate the nervous system and increase anxiety, which isn't particularly helpful if you already have problems with anxiety or panic attacks.