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另一种是蜕膜。Another kind is exuviate film.

醒时,身体逐渐蜕去一层薄纱。Awake, the body gradually exuviate go a layer of gauze.

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这样的社会尽管经济比较发达,但对人类的进化是一种蜕化。Such society though the economy is more flourishing, a kind of to the mankind's evolution exuviate.

把道德意志等同于意志的这种理解为我们更好的解释道德蜕化提供了理论基础。The understanding that moral will is equivalent to will provides theory basis to better explain moral exuviate for us.

孙子陈寅恪一八九0年五月十七生于长沙唐诗人刘蜕故宅,是陈衡恪先生的同父异母的六弟。Chen grandchildren 17 May 1890 Liu was born in ChangSha Tang exuviate therefore residence poet is Mr. Chen Hengke of six half-brother.

学习以诚为贵,做人以诚为贵,诚信使世界蜕下了它厚厚的外壳,使心灵的窗扉开启。Sincerity for your learning, your life with sincerity, integrity of the world exuviate its thick shell, so that the casement open mind.

它懒懒地爬上了树梢,蜕去了盔甲似的外衣,振起薄而亮的羽翅,扯着有些沙哑的嗓子,唱响了夏天的第一支歌。It climbed a tree exuviate to the armor-like coat, thin and bright Zhenqi , pulled some hoarse voice, sing the first song of the summer.

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但是在舒适的环境里面很快的就会蜕化变质,这种现象是最可悲的。But very quick in the inside of the comfortable environment of will exuviate to change in character, this kind of phenomenon is the most lamentable.

学习以诚为贵,做人以诚为贵,诚信使世界蜕下了它厚厚的外壳,使心灵的窗扉开启。每一个人都应有。Sincerity for your learning, your life with sincerity, integrity of the world exuviate its thick shell, so that the casement open mind. Everyone should have.

通过对道德意志在道德蜕化中的作用的分析,我们也更清楚的了解到如何对道德意志进行引导。Through analysing the effect of moral will in the moral exuviate, we more clearly understand how to guide the moral will actively play a role in the moral exuviate.