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小区广告牌收益应归谁所有?Small billboard proceeds shall may be owned?

今年标志着美国公告牌音乐奖的重生。This year marks the Billboard Awards' rebirth.

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许多人说,这一行为将校园变成了一个商业广告牌。Many say it's turned the campus into a commercial billboard.

将“工作进行中”的警示牌放置在工作区域。Place the billboard of "Work Processing" on the working area.

这幅广告就贴在格拉斯哥的南部总院外。The billboard is outside Glasgow's southern general hospital.

巨大的馅饼广告牌用来在新西兰为麦当劳促销。Giant Pie billboard used to promote McDonald's in New Zealand.

或者把它放在你的名片、布告板、或者缓冲器中。Or put it on your busines card, billboard or a bumper sticker.

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今天我们要参加音乐先锋榜的颁奖典礼哦!We will be present at the music pioneer billboard ceremony today.

我告诉平面广告的工作团队,从制作一个广告牌开始。I tell teams working on print ads to start by creating a billboard.

聪明的广告牌促进了智能车钢筋结构。Clever billboard promotes reinforced steel structure of a Smart car.

所以我们应该把招牌广告扩大到更多的地方吗?So we should expand the billboard advertisements to more areas then?

据报道一个100米长的广告牌将设在北京的中央电视台大厦附近。A 100-metre billboard will reportedly run close to Beijing's CCTV Tower.

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招幌广告是中国古代社会商业广告的一种重要形式。Billboard is one of important commercial advertisements in ancient China.

这首诗开头的几行抄袭了一个广告牌上的一节诗。The poem employs as its first lines a verse plagiarized from a billboard.

那个巨大的广告牌是城市的一大视觉污染。The huge billboard is actually an example of visual pollution in the city.

它跑到老六在Billboard杂志的第一张专辑排行榜前两名。It went to number six on Billboard magazine's Top Two Hundred Albums chart.

学生们称这个名字让该楼变成了一个巨大的露天广告牌。Students claim that the name has made the building a huge outdoor billboard.

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这个布告板将由100位赞助商赞助,包括40位最初的赞助商。The billboard will be funded by 100 sponsors, including 40 premier sponsors.

在南京东路上,很少有机会去看广告牌上的妮可·基德曼On Nanjing Dong Lu, the rare opportunity to see Nicole Kidman on a billboard.

音悦台是美国公告牌首位联合榜单合作伙伴。Yinyuetai. com is the first co-branded charts partner with Billboard in China.