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美国现在是一个全球附属公司。The US is now a wholly-owned subsidiary.

我们开设会计课,作为副修课程。We offer accounting as a subsidiary course.

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我公司是烟台市房管局的下属公司。Yantai City company is a subsidiary of the HKMA.

其附属的About.com网站也同样很好地起着消磨时间的功能。Subsidiary is also an excellent time sink.

BBN公司是雷神公司的全资子公司。BBN is a wholly owned subsidiary of Raytheon Company.

钱保是该注册公司的全资子公司。Qianbao is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Registrant.

索贝斯公司系久大集团下属子公司。The Salbes company is a subsidiary of JiuDa Salt Group.

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奥特斯则是奥地利AT&S的国内子公司。AT&S is the subsidiary of Austria AT&S in Mainland China.

我公司在黄岛,天津设有分公司。Our company have subsidiary company in Huangdao and Tianjin.

也是中国十五个副省级城市之一。It is also one of the 15 subsidiary provicialcities in China.

世界史连续不断地朝请民族均附属于它的方向发展。It moves in a succession to which the nations are subsidiary.

通用电船公司是通用动力公司的全资子公司。Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics.

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这些提供商现在都在新华社的旗下。The only such entity currently approved is a Xinhua subsidiary.

我们终于在我们新设的子公司开始了正规的业务。We have finally begun business in earnest at our new subsidiary.

第四家附属公司达成暂缓起诉协议。A fourth subsidiary entered into a deferred prosecution agreement.

大连莫依诺泵业有限公司,是美国莫依诺有限公司在中国的子公司。Dalian Moyno Pump Co Ltd, a U. S. subsidiary company of Moyno Inc.

Gaisler公司将作为Aeroflex科罗拉多斯普林斯公司的下属企业进行运作。Gaisler will operate as a subsidiary of Aeroflex Colorado Springs.

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其次级盆地具有与之相似的几何学特征。Its subsidiary basin is of geometry characteristics similar to them.

公路货运有限公司是一家总部位于英国与美国的附属公司。TIR Plc is a UK based company with a subsidiary in the United States.

创立于1964年的品酒汇,隶属法国MAAF集团旗下。Savour Club, which created in 1964, is a subsidiary of the group MAAF.