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所有先知都是这样宣告的。It was foretold by all the seers.

我预言的时刻已经来了。That which I foretold has come to pass.

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预示人生命运,必然失欢。Must lose one joy, by his life's star foretold.

尽管如此,乌丁还是预测,世人将能看到奥巴马伟大的总统生涯。Despite this, Udin foretold greatness for Obama's presidency.

珍珠广场的个别示威者预言了暴力冲突的发生。Some protesters at Pearl Square foretold that there would be violence.

在那里他见到了导师一如导师之预言。There he met Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Madani, as the Shaykh had foretold.

如同夏季月蚀周期所预言,俄罗斯将开始改变领导地位。Russia will begin the change in leadership foretold by the summer eclipse cycle.

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纵观历史,月食预示灾难的事例不胜枚举。Throughout history there are countless examples of when eclipses have foretold doom.

但是,我内心的另一个声音却认为我能这样做,而且预言我应当这么做。But, then, a voice within me averred that I could do it and foretold that I should do it.

后来,在炎热的海南,我相对准确地预言了自己向北的归期。Later, in the torrid Hainan, I had relative accurately foretold the date of my northward return.

对于大多数20世纪的人来说,这是恐怖电影的惯用伎俩,象征着孤立无援,预兆着不祥。For most of the 20th century, this was a horror film cliche, a symbol of isolation and doom foretold.

施夫预言了这场危机的发生,包括房利美和房地美的破产。Schiff foretold the crisis before it happened, including the bankruptcy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

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他实际上是在声称这首诗是先知的,它已然预示了教会崩溃的必然。He's actually claiming that this poem had been prophetic, that Lycidas foretold the ruin of the clergy.

他使用一些短句和数字对罗马教皇的成功做了精确的预言。In which he foretold accurately the personality of the Papal succession by means of mottoes and numbers.

作为一个经常被预言灭亡的经济力量,这可能是对美国的恢复能力的预测。IT IS perhaps a measure of America’s resilience as an economic power that its demise is so often foretold.

说起万圣节,总脱不开占卜仪式,那些婚丧嫁娶或者梦的预兆。Halloween was associated with divinatory rituals omens that foretold marriages or deaths and premonitory dreams.

他们通过观察鸟类的飞翔和检查献祭动物的内脏来预测未来。They foretold the future through observing the flight of birds and examining the entrails of sacrificed animals.

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但神曾藉众先知的口,豫言基督将要受害,就这样应验了。But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Christ would suffer.

他们也把预先传说那义者要来的人杀了,如今你们又把那义者卖了,杀了。They killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One, and now you have become his betrayers and murderers.

他太太的嘴角突然像气压计下降一样耷拉下来时通常预示着一场碗碟和罐子雨的到来。When the corners of her mouth went down suddenly like a barometer it usually foretold a fall of crockery and tinware.