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史前时期是父系氏族。Prehistory was strongly patriarchal.

但这是父权制的遗留。But that's a patriarchal hang-up, says Quilliam.

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客家人是汉民族的一个民系。Hakka is a distinctive Chinese Patriarchal clan.

他们被描写为父权家长制的贝都印式酋长。They are presented as patriarchal Bedouin chiefs.

最后不管怎么说,一切都是为了维持父系强权的统治。In the end, it all comes down to protecting a patriarchal order.

匈奴社会实质上是游牧宗法奴隶制社会。The Huns society is a nomadic patriarchal slave society in essence.

偈人是族长社会,女人居次位。The Ket were a patriarchal society, with women in a secondary role.

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北京的四合院是有等级的,是家长制的。Beijing's courtyard there is a hierarchy, is the patriarchal system.

这是延长了家长制,以整个国家。It was the extension of the patriarchal system to the entire nation.

家庭是父权制的,家中每个人都要听从父亲的话。Families were patriarchal. Everyone listened and obeyed to the father.

宗族、帮派等非正式组织渐起等。Patriarchal clan, faction and other informal organization emerge, etc.

宗族组织与“黑恶势力”并不相关。Patriarchal clan organization and "black evil force" and non-correlated.

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中国历史上曾是一个被宗法式教权统治的国家。China is a country under the domination of the patriarchal religion power.

她的悲剧结局表明她是父权制度的受害者。Her tragical ending reveals that she is the victim of patriarchal society.

夫权文化表现形式非常复杂。The patriarchal culture has been various and complicated in manifestation.

西方社会是市民社会,东方社会是宗法社会。Western society is civil society while eastern society is patriarchal society.

第三章证明阿尔泰娅的悲剧是一个男权导致的悲剧。Chapter Three claims that Althaea's tragedy is a tragedy of the patriarchal power.

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中国古代社会是根据宗法制度建立起来的宗法社会。Ancient Chinese society is the patriarchal society founded on the patriarchal system.

封建宗法制是汉语亲属称谓语性别差异的形成原因。Patriarchal clan system is the main cause of the gender difference of Chinese nation.

宗法制度、道德观念、文化教育、职业活动。Namely, patriarchal clan system and cultural education, moral, occupational activities.