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这是一种典型的转移注意力的做法。It's a classic diversionary tactic.

恐惧并不总是一种消极策略。Fear is not always a negative tactic.

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这是鲍勃·派斯利所使用的一种策略。It was a tactic Bob Paisley employed.

很多人都将这阵型定义为4222。Many describe the tactic as a 4-2-2-2.

你以前也可能听说过这个策略。You have probably heard of this tactic before.

这次公开点名和羞辱是一个新的战术。This public naming and shaming is a new tactic.

人们为了得到它真是无所不为。It's extraordinary tactic people employ to obtain it.

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电子艺界一位发言人称这种行为是“寄附营销”。An EA spokesman called the tactic 'barnacle marketing.'

由于这种策略,很多蚺的尾巴上都有伤痕。Some boas have many scars on the tail from this tactic.

但投资者和分析师都太了解这一策略了。But investors and analysts are wising up to that tactic.

所有方法中最常见的战略莫过于简单的自我推销了。Perhaps the most common tactic is simple self-promotion.

这个策略只适用于应用程序和邮件服务器。This tactic applies to application and mail servers only.

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他们都并不需要它,它只是一个坏主意的生存策略。They don’t need it. Flash is a survival tactic for bad ideas.

火攻战法是中国古代战争中常用的战术之一。Fire attack is a commonly used tactic in ancient Chinese wars.

我要把自己应对对手的战略战术调整到最好就是了。I'll adjust myself to the strategy and tactic for the fighter.

警察战术机动是缉捕行动的重要组成部分。Policing tactic is an important component in arresting action.

一种不常见的做法是直接干预当地市场。A less common tactic is to intervene directly in local markets.

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心理魔术师其实是用这个方法来记住数字的。Mental magicians actually use this tactic to memorize any number.

哈里常以打扫房间作为逃避做作业的计策。Harry often clea his room as a tactic to avoid doing his homework.

飞车袭击似乎成为武装分子的一个新战术。The drive-by attack appeared to be a new tactic for the militants.