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测试提供职系。Tests provide grades.

提供交叉引用。Provide cross-references.

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足够多的前戏。Provide a lot of foreplay.

我们提供免费服务。We provide gratis service.

但他也透露了一点线索。But he did provide one clue.

提供详细的工资单。Provide a de tailed payslip.

提供设计费合约。Provide design fee contract.

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得赐冠冕和义袍。And provide a robe and crown.

这里提供包装服务吗?Do you provide gift-wrapping?

你们提供礼品包装服务吗?Do you provide gift-wrapping?

专属提供运动型座椅。Exclusive provide motile seats.

请提供传真号码。Please provide your fax number.

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提供积极的加强推进效应。Provide positive reinforcement.

为您的概要提供一个名称。Provide a name for your profile.

辣椒通常提供热量。Chilies usually provide the heat.

每队球队须派出一位球证。Each Team Must Provide a Referee.

提供免费电话号码。Provide a toll-free phone number.

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树木可以提供防风屏障。Trees can provide a wind barrier.

我向他提供了他的所有权利。I provide him with all his rights.

人多势众。Many hands provide great strength.