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洛杉矶人的预期高的夸张The Los Angeles people had extravagantly high expectations.

这两种不同的表述之间相隔11个星期,而差别是如此之大。The two statements, 11 weeks apart, are extravagantly dissonant.

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新格兰奇是装饰最豪华的史前陵墓之一。New Grange is one of the most extravagantly decorated prehistoric tombs.

尽管从整体而言女性放屁较少,但实际上女性放的屁其实跟男性一样多。Females fart just as much as males, though on the whole less extravagantly.

我能向你保证我不过度欣赏平克默这个名字。I can assure you that I do not extravagantly admire the name of Pinkhammer.

后裙撑处用滚条、镶边、蝴蝶结、荷叶边及镂空花边等材料强化装饰。The bustle was extravagantly decorated with cords, braids, bows, flounces, and lace.

月饼的价格通常都很高,通常和冰球一样大,只不过厚一些。Often extravagantly expensive, they are about the size of a hockey puck and just as dense.

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因此,它们乐于确保开发商拥有资金在土地拍卖会上大肆抬高报价。So they are happy to ensure developers have the capital to bid extravagantly at land auctions.

当我看到见识浅薄的人衣冠楚楚时,我总是感到遗憾-为衣服。When I see a man of shallow understanding extravagantly clothed, I always feel sorry-for the clothes.

弥尔顿在17世纪四十年代写过关于离婚权利的论文,其中他也大力的支持婚姻。Now the treatises that Milton wrote on the rights of divorce in the 1640s are also extravagantly pro-marriage.

记得尽情享用列车上的东西,然后喝上几杯清冽的白葡萄酒冲洗一下肠胃。Remember to dine extravagantly on the train, washing down all you eat with several bottles of crisp white wine.

当然,我们必须用它来喝,做饭,洗衣,清洁等,但我们必须记住,不使用它历。Of course, we have to use it to drink, cook, wash, clean and etc. But we must remember not to use it extravagantly.

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他的舞蹈理念是彻底的20世纪,拥有极度奢华的多维空间,没有任何传统色彩。His concept of the dance was utterly 20th century, extravagantly multi-dimensional, and not in the least middle class.

因此,更多中国游客前往马德里、米兰和巴黎挥霍他们新得到的财富也就不足为奇了。Thus, it is not surprising that more Chinese go to Madrid, Milan and Paris to spend their new-earned wealth extravagantly.

卡波特这本关于两个凶手在堪萨斯城谋杀四人的记载,书还没有出版,就被宣传得天花乱坠。Capote 's account of two criminals and the four people they murdered in Kansas was extravagantly publicized before it ever came out.

尽管出现信用度紧缩问题,但是球队财政状况良好,那亚尼透露,弗格森对看上的球员不会小气。United's finances are healthy despite the credit crunch, Nayani revealed, and Ferguson could spend extravagantly on the right player.

有着繁冗雕刻的巴容庙位于在吴哥城的正中央,幽灵般的面孔围绕着寺庙窗口的两个穿藏红色袈裟的僧侣。Ghostlike faces surround two saffron-robed Buddhist monks in a window of the extravagantly carved Bayon, central temple of Angkor Thom.

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甭管销售人员说得如何天花乱坠,洋名字下面,“没有什么新鲜事”。Do not be in charge of a salesperson to say how give an extravagantly colourful description, below foreign name, "Without what new issue ".

即便工作人员粗鲁无礼,队伍排得乱七八糟,或者“额外费用”高昂,旅行者也难有其他选择。If the staff are rude, the queues are badly managed or the "extras" extravagantly priced, travellers can hardly take their business elsewhere.

1954年海明威获得诺贝尔奖时,他的友人约翰•奥哈拉扬言称海明威是莎士比亚之后最伟大的作家。In 1954, when he won the Nobel prize, his friend, John O’Hara, declared extravagantly that he was the most outstanding author since Shakespeare.