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停止媒体歪曲!Stop Media Distoring!

媒体帝国,女人,孩子,复仇,名望和玩弄于股掌的各国政要。A media empire. Women.

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如此多的新媒体。So much for new media.

发布媒体报告。Issue media advisories.

铜导线为基础的媒体。Copper wire-based media.

那么,媒体业是否就没救了呢?So are the media doomed?

我该采用何种媒体?Which media should I use?

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唐纳森知道自己说话的分量。Donaldson knows his media.

媒体是非常自由的。The media are too liberal.

媒体的报导太少。C- Poor reports from media.

让媒体负起责任.Hold the media accountable.

美国媒体都是一面之词。US media is one-side story.

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您患了急性中耳炎。You have acute otitis media.

空气是传播声音的媒介物。Air is the media of the sound.

媒体爆出了一桩丑闻。The media dredged up a scandal.

她对媒体非常有用,双方都在大做文章。She's quite useful to the media.

没有独立媒体。There were no independent media.

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记者们纷纷赶往谋杀现场。Media flocked to the murder site.

新媒体的国美、苏宁?。Gome and Suning of new media area?

甚至新闻媒体也不甘寂寞。The news media even gets involved.