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因此没有针对浏览器的自定义目录。Okay so no custom chrome for in-browser.

工业质量铬钒钢。Industrial quality chrome vanadium steel.

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那可能是某一类有关Chrome云的东西。It may be some sort of Chrome cloud thing.

厚玻璃由坚固的烙环作撑脚。Thick glass supported by solid chrome rings.

Chrome现在把设置项全放在一个tab页内。Chrome now places its setting in its own tab.

备有光铬,沙镍两种颜色。Polished chrome and sand nickel are available.

这幅画的魅力来自铬黄。Chrome yellow is the magic key to this picture.

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那种牌子的汽车上涂有许多铬黄。There is a lot of chrome on cars of that model.

作为钝化使用的六价铬。Hexavalent Chrome Cr-VI when used as a passivate.

嵌在廉价塑料铬合金里宽大的控制板。It was a massive console in cheap plastic chrome.

其次是铅和镉,铬的污染较小。The next pollution is plumbum, cadmium and chrome.

使用自定义功能制作一个难用的界面Using custom chrome to create confusing interfaces

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铬是一种微带天蓝色的银白色金属。Chrome is a microstrip sky-blue silvery white metal.

表1铬钢试样化学成分。Table 1 Chemical composition of chrome steel samples.

钩环镀铬处理,光洁防锈。Central hook chrome handle, rust-proof bright and clean.

睁大眼是为谷歌浏览器以及谷歌开源项目而造的插件。Eye Dropper is extension for Google Chrome and Chromium.

虽然在ie8,safari4,chrome2下script可以并发,但依然阻碍了其他资源的下载Scripts still block, even in IE8, Safari 4, and Chrome 2

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用柠檬皮摩擦度革制品,很快就会光亮如新。Simply rub lemon rind over the chrome and watch it shine!

灯有镀金和镀铬的版本。The lamp comes in gold-plated and chrome -plated versions.

此外还有较丰富的铬矿、镍矿和黄金矿。There are also rich chrome ore, nickel ore and gold mines.