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通过UL测试为15万循环测试。Tested by UL for 150k cycle test.

他们出售UL认证袋有没有遮光罩。They sell UL bags there with no hood.

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他出生在伊斯坦布尔的一个犹太裔伊朗家庭。He was born in Ista ul to Iranian-Jewish parents.

塑胶电镀原料必需路程经过过程UL认证。Materials of plating on plastic should be attested by UL.

加入950ul溶菌buffer到细胞中如步骤一再裂解一次。Add 950 ul lysis to the cell pellet and lyse again as step 1.

玻壳成品的引爆试验完全符合对壳体所作的理论分析。Theoretical analysis coincides with the results of the UL test.

并有部分产品获得美国能源之星产品认证标志。DJL products have UL and CSA listed to join Energy Star Platform Program.

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我公司所有产品均获得了TUV认证,CE认证,CQC认证和UL认证。All our products have obtained the certifications of TUV, CE, CQC, and UL.

同时,爱特也有其不同的证书,例如,CE、UL认证。Meanwhile, AITCOOL also has its different certificate, for example, CE, UL.

欲了解最新的喷淋头认证信息,请点击进入UL在线认证目录。For current Listing information access the UL Online Certifications Directory.

在实践中,用户代理会以与UL列表一样的方式对DIR及MENU列表进行展现。In practice, a user agent will render a DIR or MENU list exactly as a UL list.

已通过国家CQC、德国VDE、美国UL认证,通过了ISO9000质量管理体系认证。That's already through nation CQC, Germany VDE The USA UL and the ISO9000 authentication.

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该锁通过BHMA认证,符合ANSI标准,被UL列入为火警级别使用的门上。The lock is BHMA certified for ANSI compliance and is UL listed for use on fire-rated doors.

产品取得了TUV、CUL、CQC、UL认证,产品品质一直处于稳定良好的水平。Products made TUV, CUL, CQC, UL certification, product quality has been in a stable good level.

乐庭为美国上市百通公司成员,是全球首家取得UL绿色标志和BASEC环保线缆认可的电线电缆生产商。LTK is a Belden company. It's the first wire & cable manufacturer to obtain the UL and BASEC approval.

本手册是帮助您了解向UL美华申请印刷电路板UL认证的流程与基本认知。This handbook is the guide to help you to understand UL certification procedure clearly for PWB category.

公司所有产品均已通过德国GS、EMC、CE认证,同时也申请了美国、加拿大UL和C-UL认证。All our products have passed GS, EMC& CE certification, and we are applying UL certification in the meantime.

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面角、颌突角、ANB角、Y轴角、面轴角和上唇突度与髁突垂直向位移呈显著相关。NP FH, NA PA, SNB, ANB, Y axis, FA and UL EP correlate significantly with the vertical condylar displacement.

由于这种局限性的存在,而造成UL列式法的收敛值有时与精确解有较大的偏差。This limitation sometimes causes much deviation between convergence of UL formulation and the exact solution.

发现乌兰乌拉湖构造混杂岩带,为区域构造对比提供了新的依据。The discovery of the Ulan Ul Lake tectonic mêlange belt provides a new ground for regional tectonic correlation.