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这种基因因其昼夜节律而显得至为重要。This gene is critical to circadian rhythms.

生物体机能活动的日节律是一种基本的生命现象。The circadian rhythm depicts a basic feature of life.

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我们的生理节律要求我们在晚上睡觉,"她说。"Our circadian rhythm wants us to sleep at night," she said.

比如无生物钟的变种小鼠身形就趋于矮胖。In fact, mutant mice that have no circadian clocks tend to be chunky.

昼夜节律表现出大约24小时的连续而稳定的周期性。Circadian rhythms show persistent, stable periodicities of about 24 hours.

和其他鸟类一样,生理节律决定了公鸡每天都要打鸣。Like all birds, roosters call in a daily cycle determined by circadian rhythms.

人体的生理与行为节律是由内源性昼夜节律钟产生与调控的。Physiological and behavioral rhythms are governed by an endogenous circadian clock.

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根据昼夜节律,最自然的午睡时间是下午2点到4点之间。The most natural time to nap, based on our circadian rhythms, is between 2 and 4pm.

伫立在霞光中,看日落时的地平线,暮色暗淡,昼夜分明。Standing in the light, when watching a sunset horizon, twilight dim, circadian clear.

大量研究表明抗肿瘤化疗药物具有昼夜节律性。Many researches suggested that antitumor chemotherapeutics have circadian rhythmicity.

月经周期可以影响静息-活动昼夜节律时相。The circadian periodogram calculated the period length of the rhythm of average woman.

本文观察研究了秦岭蝮蛇的活动节律和反捕行为。Circadian activity and antipredation behaviour of Agkistrodon qinlingensis are observed.

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总要每天在同一个时间起床的方法可以帮你固定住一个生理的节奏。That process of always getting up at the same time helps to anchor the circadian rhythm.

换句话说,至少对于人类来说,昼夜节律不完全是遗传问题。In other words, at least for humans, circadian rhythm is not entirely a matter of genetics.

科学家们很早就知道光照时间长短控制着我们的生理节奏。Scientists have long known that our circadian rhythm is regulated by our exposure to light.

当冬季白昼变短时,昼夜节律网络系统发生生化反应以标记这样的变化。As days shorten with winter, the circadian network responds biochemically to mark the change.

并由此可以观察到光照是如何影响昼夜节律系统的动力学特性的。Thus it can be seen how the dynamical traits of the circadian system are influenced by light.

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生物钟基因及其编码的蛋白质组成反馈回路,维持振荡系统持续进行并与环境周期保持同步。The clock genes and their coding proteins compose the feed-back loops of the circadian system.

笼养丹顶鹤繁殖期行为与非繁殖期行为均呈现一定的日活动节律。The time-active budget of captive Red-crowned Crane behavior shows circadian rhythm generally.

生理节奏时钟被打乱可能会引发飞机时差症、精神疾病及一些癌症。Disruptions of circadian rhythms can cause jet lag, mental illness and even some forms of cancer.