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因为他就是,哲-学-家。He was simply The Philosopher.

法国哲学家和讽刺家。French philosopher and satirist.

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他是知名的斯多葛学派哲学家。He is a famous Stoic philosopher.

他略具哲学家风范。He is something of a philosopher.

哲学家为什么会欣然赴死?。Why the Philosopher Is Happy to Die?

这世上的辩士在哪里?Where is the philosopher of this age?

乐观主义由德国哲学家G。Coined by the German philosopher G. W.

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那是作为哲学家的职责。That's what it is to be a philosopher.

这位哲学家发表了一个新的理论。The philosopher enunciated a new theory.

也就是说,他是一位彻彻底底的哲学家。That is to say, the ultimate philosopher.

就拿古希腊的斯多葛学派的哲学家埃皮克提图来说。Take the Stoic Greek philosopher Epictetus.

他是一个哲学家,去年去世了。He was a philosopher till his death last year.

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他是斯多葛派哲学家的学生。He was a pupil to the great Stoic philosopher.

马库斯Aurelius是一位著名坚忍的哲学家。Marcus Aurelius is a famous stoic philosopher.

有?,没有?,如果你思考了,你就是个好哲学家。Yeah? No? If you do you're a good philosopher.

但对于哲学家而言,这永远不够。But for the philosopher this is never enough.

伊格内修斯自视为先知和哲学家。Ignatius sees himself as a seer and philosopher.

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巴斯夏是一流的法律哲学家。Bastiat was a legal philosopher of the first rank.

这就是为什么他为何是如此杰出的一个哲学家。That's why he was such a great man of philosopher.

对于我们年轻的哲学家们,您有什么忠告?What advice do you have for our young philosopher?