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但又不完全相同。But not identical.

我和“我”就是完全相同的。I am identical with me.

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它们不可能是一体的They cannot be identical.

它们真的一模一样吗?Are they really identical?

我的意见与他的观点相同。My opinion is identical with his.

二进位样式是相同的。The binary pattern was identical.

但是,每个文件并不相同。However, not every file is identical.

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这些小海豚长得一模一样。These little dolphins look identical.

子宫中形成同卵双生。Identical twins are formed in the womb.

实际上,这两个空隙是相等的。In reality, the two gaps are identical.

现在我的main函数是完全相同的。Now my main function here is identical.

这两个字的字义完全一样。The two words are identical in meaning.

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而同样一包烟在比利时售价1.97英镑。An identical pack costs £1.97 in Belgium.

这些书的装帧完全相同。The bindings of the books were identical.

这对双生子的容貌几乎完全相同。The twins were almost identical in looks.

他们是全同的和不可区分的。They are identical and indistinguishable.

他的行为等于把我们出卖了。His behavior is identical to betraying us.

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大家对于这个问题的看法是一致的。Their views on this problem are identical.

每一双都会发出同样的声调。Each pair there would have identical pitch.

“诱惑号”和“绿洲号”很多方面是相同的。Allure and Oasis are identical in many ways.