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这个医学术语,是味觉性鼻炎。The medical term for this is gustatory rhinitis.

象非洲蜜蜂的蜂蜜和鲜樟脑草酱这样给人带来新奇味觉的事物。Such gustatory exotica as killer bee honey and fresh catnip sauce.

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开放式厨房让您享受味觉和视觉的双重盛宴。The open-plan kitchen brings you both gustatory and visual pleasure.

水和酒、水和食物的不同搭配给味觉带来一种前所未有的全新体验。It sparks new gustatory sensations when combined with different wines or food.

但是,术后进行的味觉测试结果却显示没有明显的变化。However, there were no significant changes in gustatory test scores following surgery.

铁艺术既是一个短暂的喜悦和味觉的泡沫徒劳的艺术视野。Latte art is both a gustatory delight and a fleeting artistic vision of foamy futility.

味精生产废水中存在的菌体蛋白是市场畅销的饲料蛋白之一。The bacterial protein in wastewater of gustatory production is the material of high-protein feed.

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舌肌的横纹肌发达,味腺只见于舌根部。Transversus linguae of lingual muscles are more developed. The gustatory glands are seen in radix linguae.

酒店定期推出各种主题美食节,让客人享受视觉和味觉的愉悦。The hotel regularly launching various themes Food Festival, guests enjoy the visual and gustatory pleasure.

成功的菜肴在嗅觉上不论是香还是臭,但在味感上是美好的,同样会引起人们的食欲。A good dish, either smelly or tasty should be pleasant in gustatory sense, and thus stimulates the appetite.

餐厅传感器系统是一系列的传感器,用来区分不同的味觉感受上述。A taste sensor system is an array of sensors used to classify the different gustatory sensations mentioned above.

结论腮腺切除术时保留腮腺嚼肌筋膜对预防味觉出汗综合征有显著效果。Conclusion There was good effect to prevent gustatory sweating syndrome in parotidectomy of reserve parotid fascia.

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放射治疗虽可降低味觉出汗综合征的发病率,但放射治疗后仍有复发可能。Although radiotherapy may decrease the incidence of the gustatory sweating syndrome, it still may recur after radiotherapy.

目的探索一项具有味觉和舌自主运动功能的全舌再造技术。Objective To explore a technique for total tongue reconstruction with the functions of both gustatory sensation and movement.

这些研究结果提示PPK28通道作为渗透压感受器,参与果蝇的味觉水感受。Thus, the amiloride-sensitive PPK28 channel may serve as the osmolarity sensor for gustatory water reception in the fruit fly.

除甘氨酸、L-脯氨酸、L-色氨酸和L-酪氨酸外,多数刺激物能引起有效的昧觉反应。Positive gustatory responses to the tested stimulatory compounds, except Glycine, L-proline, L-Tryptophan and L-Tyrosine, were observed.

从奢华的纯黄油饼干到最简单的灌心饼,多种口味都会带给你非同一般的美味盛宴。The various flavors arranging from the luxurious pure butter biscuit to the simplest covered cookie could bring you a fantastic gustatory banquet.

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令人惊奇的是,这些有词汇—味觉联觉的人在尝试用词组来形容这幅画内容的过程中,的确用他们的舌头感觉到了一些味道。Amazingly, these lexical- gustatory synaesthetes did actually feel a taste on their tongues as they struggled for the word to describe the picture.

由于其低酸度,Cannonau也联同其他葡萄酿造,通常原地,以改善味觉的平衡。Because of its low acidity, Cannonau is also vinified together with other grapes, usually autochthonous, in order to improve the gustatory balance.

第四章为弥补前人研究之不足,拟建构GO-STM以能详细论述英汉两民族味嗅觉通感规律,并首次依据语料进行英汉对比。Chapter 4 constructs GO-STM to illustrate the gustatory and olfactory synaesthesia of English and Chinese in order to bridge the gap left by previous studies.