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我可以去试一试。I could go.

他能不能等会儿?Could he wait?

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可能如此。It could be so.

现实中能找到这种人。Well you could.

我能感受到那种真实感和恐惧感!I could feel it!

这下我跑不掉了。I could not run.

我这里做了些什么?If I could type.

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我动弹不了了。I could not move.

我可以站起来!I could stand up!

它可以这样做。It could do this.

你能否证实?Could you confirm?

你能够想象在22岁的时候就自己当老板并且财政独立么?Could you imagine?

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他可以变得很可怕He could be scary.

怎么会这样呢?How could that be?

谁可以未卜先知呢?Who could foresee?

任何人都可以做到。Anyone could do it.

我可以先告退吗?Could I be excused?

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Eero也有可能死了。Eero could be dead.

他可以说走就走。He could walk away.

我怎么好意思拒绝?How could I say no?