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“葵依”,是哈萨克族男子自娱性舞蹈。"Kuiyi"is a self-entertaining dance among Kazakh men.

白钻很闪的说,迷你款的哈,实物很小。Flash of white diamond is said that the Kazakh mini models, in-kind small.

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对咯对咯不怕的不怕的我在这哈儿的,不。Slightly on slightly afraid of the fear of me in the Kazakh children, not.

许多哈萨克和蒙古族的牧民依然过着半游牧的生活。Many of the Kazakh and Mongol stock-herders are still at least seminomadic.

在甘肃的边远地区你可能会听到安多藏语、蒙古语和哈萨克语。On the border areas of Gansu you may hear Amdo Tibetan, Mongolian, and Kazakh.

后置词是现代哈萨克语虚词的一种。The post-position word is a kind of function word in the modern Kazakh language.

发言者大声说道---中国会强迫哈萨克人用筷子进食吗?What's next, speakers cried out — will China force Kazakh people to eat with chopsticks?

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去年,人权观察记载了72起哈萨克人烟草农场的童工事件。Last year, Human Rights Watch documented 72 cases of child labor on Kazakh tobacco farms.

哈萨克斯坦官员称,这一法令在过去十年中拯救了三万条生命。That decree, Kazakh officials claim, has helped save 30,000 lives during the past decade.

新疆的哈萨克族音乐家马木尔和他的IZ乐队在中国的独立音乐界是一个具有传奇色彩的名字。Mamer and IZ, a Kazakh band from Xinjiang, are a legend in China's independent music scene.

本文提出了一个基于规则的哈萨克语词干提取的一种解决方法。In this paper, we propose a method of kazakh word lemmatization by using rule-based analysis.

在二战期间,哈萨克斯坦苏维埃共和国为苏联贡献了5个师的军力。The Kazakh SSR contributed five national divisions to the Soviet Union"s World War II effort.

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这是我在维基百科里的哈萨克语字条里找到的图片,上面的说是哈萨克人相互之间说话必须讲哈语。"A Kazakh must speak with a Kazakh in the Kazakh language". A sign in a sanatorium in Almaty.

他觉得,国内片商并不热衷好好地推销哈萨克斯坦电影,是件憾事。He also regrets that the local distributors are not too keen in promoting Kazakh cinematograph.

中广核称,中国计划在2008到2012年间,从哈萨克斯坦进口总量为24,200吨的铀。China plans to import a total of 24,200 tonnes of Kazakh uranium between 2008 and 2012, it said.

经过几年的漂泊以后,哈萨克民间音乐又回到了马木尔的血液当中。After he drifted around for a few years, traditional Kazakh music made its way back into his heart.

拉夫罗夫表示,俄罗斯没有企图将乌克兰“拉进”俄、白、哈关税同盟。Lavrov said that Russia did not attempt to Ukraine, "pulled into" Russia, Belarus, Kazakh customs union.

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这些指控在今年1月份通过阿布利亚佐夫写给哈萨克斯坦当局的公开信首次得以披露。The claims first surfaced in January in a series of open letters from Mr. Ablyazov to Kazakh authorities.

本文就汉语“死”一词译成哈萨克语时出现的不同文化场景和用词习惯作了初步探讨。This paper deals with the translation of Chinese word "death"into Kazakh in different cultural situation.

杨洁篪于27日抵达阿斯塔纳进行正式访问。The Chinese foreign minister arrived in the Kazakh capital of Astana on December 27 for an official visit.