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你需要一个至少1200分辨率的打印机。You will need a printer with a resolution of at least 1200 dpi.

DPI是政府封锁网络流量所采用的最先进的手段。DPI is the most refined method that the government has for blocking Internet traffic.

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第三,DPI可以减少计算机处理器的速度,因为它增加了负担。Third, DPI can reduce computer speed because it increases the burden on the processor.

该生成PDF文档的解决方案可以低于72线或者提高到4000线。The resolution of PDF documents produced can be lowered to 72 dpi or enhanced to 4000 dpi.

我们可以计算,表面部数字,但同样地,视像系统没有概念。We can compute that apparent dpi number, but again, the video system had no concept of it.

结果表明DPI和胰岛素相似,存在一个小而确定的疏水区。It was shown that there is a small but definite hydrophobic region in DPI just as in insulin.

印刷图像的解象度达到300dpi甚至240dpi就能获得“足够好”的品质。That’s why printing is done with a resolution of 300 or even 240 DPI – “good enough” quality.

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他说这让他逐渐意识到拥有300DPI屏幕分辨率的智能手机足以匹敌昂贵的专业设备。He said it dawned on him that the 300 dpi resolution on a smart phone screen made it the rival of expensive, specialized devices.

在DPI节点我们也可以看到该报文的内容,我的意思是,无论报文内容是什么样的,我们在这里都可以看到同样的内容。The DPI we can also see the content of the message, I mean, whatever we have given the same, the same message we can see over here.

随着微粉化技术不断成熟,新型给药装置日益涌现,干粉吸入剂的应用范围越来越广。With the development of drug micronization technology and the emergence of innovative inhaler device, DPI has now been widely applied.

这些工作小组将由世界残疾人总部委员会的成员和主办国委员会的成员—来自朝鲜的同事共同主持。Workshops will be co-chaired by members of the DPI World Council along with members of the host committee, our friends and colleagues from DPI-Korea.

除少数特殊用途,除美术系,200多部,往往是无的放矢而痛苦的,因为我们的生产装置,并不见得能够使用更多。Except for a few special purposes, and except for Line art, more than 200 dpi can often be pointless and painful, because our output devices are not likely to be able to use more.

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虽然SPI无法向伊朗政府提供如DPI一样详细的流量评估,但Sennhauser称它在处理能力上远超DPI。Although shallow packet inspection can't provide the Iranian government with the same detailed traffic assessments as DPI, Sennhauser says that it is much better at handling volume than DPI.