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渔民网到一条20英尺长的蟒蛇。They had caught a 20-foot python.

来访问这些变量。Unfortunately, Python doesn't do this.

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对数字进行操作的方法集。But underlying Python is the same idea.

第一个表演是蟒蛇斗鸡。The first show was Python cockfighting.

巨蟒血液促进科学的“巨大飞跃”Python Blood Leads to "Big Leap" in Science

缅甸蟒在蜕皮期间会拒食。Burmese python during the molting Antifeedant.

我见你抓到一只网纹蟒。I see you caught yourself a Reticulated Python.

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简单化和试验性的派森ETL包。Simplistic and experimental python ETL package.

他打开笼子,拎出一条6英尺长的蟒蛇。He opened up a cage and lifted out a 6ft python.

在编写Python语言的时候我总是犯这个错误。This is a mistake I make all the time in Python.

一条缅甸蚺蟒白子在吉隆坡展出。An albino Burmese python on display in Kuala Lumpur.

有一天,当马哈茂德惧怕时,一条巨蟒出现了。One day, as Mahmood had feared, a great python appeared.

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一只非洲岩蟒竟然成为了两只非洲豹的玩具!An African rock python has become the toy of two leopards!

他还有一条三英尺长的蟒蛇,养到今天已有好一段时间。He's had a three-foot python for quite a while now as well.

其中最惊人不过于在大塑胶盒中的蟒蛇。The most amazing part is the python in the giant plastic box.

蟒蛇的主子有没有活下来?没有。When the python attaked it's owner, dud the owner survive? No.

很不幸在Python中你却可以这么干,不过你期待结果是什么呢?unfortunately in Python you can, however, do things like this.

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在亚洲,有印度蟒蛇和网状蟒蛇。In Asia, there is the Indian python and the reticulated python.

这个基于文本的派森冒险游戏带着科幻的主题。It is a text based adventure game in Python with cyberpunk theme.

在Python中你很容易犯这个错,还有很多这样的假设。It's an easy one to make in Python. Lots of assumptions like that.