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有一天,他向教会学校一个班的学生讲了下面这个故事。One day, he said undersurface this story versus a student in class mission school.

是一种值得推广的新型沥青路面下面层级配。It is worth popularizing as a new type undersurface layer gradation of asphalt pavement.

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北美洲东部大型金翼啄木鸟,颈红色,腹部、翅膀和尾巴为黄色。Large flicker of eastern North America with a red neck and yellow undersurface to wings and tail.

该技术可以实现精确的尺寸公差,提高表面抛光度,避免表面下空洞。It provides precise dimensional tolerances, enhanced surface finishes and no undersurface cavities.

当到达肿块后,它们分离并弓形围绕肿块下面,与肿块的下极融合。As they reach the mass, they diverge and arch around the undersurface to merge with the inferior pole of the mass.

他想象着飞船吊在地球下面上下晃荡,巨大的引力手指把他们紧紧地抓在这个地方。He imagined the ship dangling upside down on the undersurface of the Earth, the giant fingers of gravity holding them firmly in place.

链条在加工过程中存在的纵向划痕及滚子边缘部位台阶处的应力集中是影响链条使用寿命的主要因素。The flaw undersurface and stress on the step at the edge side of roller are the major factors that influence the timing chain working life.

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所以当罐内介质腐蚀性较强,或罐顶防腐施工条件比较差的时候,选用外构架网顶就是一个比较好的解决方法。It's a better solution to use external rafter doom roof on the occasion of medium of high causticity or difficult to paint on the undersurface of roof plates.

麻面翘皮缺陷经常发生在热轧板带下表面,它与加热炉炉底辊的使用状况有很大关系。The defects of stick breaks and seams often appear on the undersurface of the strip, its formation is re lated to the condition of CSP the roller in the heating furnace.

高速铁路要为列车的高速行驶提供一个高平顺性和稳定性的轨下基础,这无疑是对高速铁路的沉降稳定提出了很高的要求。The high speed running of train needs smooth and stable foundation of track undersurface . It means that a high quality of stability for the settlement is needed for high-speed railway.

结果AS骶髂关节CT表现特点为病变累及骶髂关节滑膜部髂骨侧为主,软骨钙化、关节间隙改变、关节面及面下骨结构改变以及骶髂韧带钙化。Results The CT features included involved in iliac side mostly, cartilage calcification, joint space narrowing or widen, articular surface and undersurface erosion, ligament calcification.

本文以上边界对流传热传质边界和下边界绝热绝湿边界的含湿石英砂填充床为实验对象,进行了对流干燥实验。Experiment of convective drying of wet quartz sands as porous media, which had adiabatic-impermeable boundary of undersurface and convective boundary of upside, was carried out in laboratory.

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方法颞部首先在颞深筋膜浅层的深面分离,出发际后改在皮下层分离,形成阶梯状分离平面。Method Temporal flap dissection undersurface the superficial layer of deep temporal fascia first, then subcutaneously beyond hairline in temporal area, forming a step by step dissection plane.

储层流动单元的研究对于更好地了解地下油水运动规律及油田注水开发过程中剩余油的分布具有重要意义。Research on reservoir flow units is of significance for better understanding the rule of undersurface fluid flow and distribution of remaining oil during the process of water injection development.