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她是一个网络红人。She is a web celebrity.

有没有来自耶鲁大学的有名人士?Is there any celebrity from Yale?

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你最喜欢哪位名人?So who is your favorite celebrity?

广告里的画外音是哪个名流配的?。Who's the Celebrity Voice in That Ad?

他成了世界文学巨匠。He became a global literary celebrity.

回头他就表演套名人模仿秀。He'll do his celebrity impersonations.

有名人顾客群,你知道。We have celebrity clientele, you know.

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今天在街上看到某位女明星。I saw a celebrity in the streets today.

知名人士可能住在一个金鱼缸里。A celebrity may live in a goldfish bowl.

当然,当然,名人拥有特权。Yeah, yeah, celebrity has its privileges.

名人代言是引人注意的。Celebrity endorsers are attention-gaining.

名人访谈记者盖尔·墨菲说道,“好莱坞觉得什么重要?Huge!" said celebrity interviewer Gayl Murphy.

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当一天名人的感觉超爽的。It’s super fun to become a celebrity for a day.

圣多斯身上的名人光环也来自于此。Some of Santos's celebrity aura came from that.

十几岁的时候,尼莱吉哈奇是位名人。By his early teens, Nyiregyhazi was a celebrity.

小明星长得神气又有力。Celebrity has grown in handsomeness and strength.

动图还成了观察美国名人文化的窗口。GIFs serve as a window into US celebrity culture.

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现在盛行美国风格的名人新闻。Indeed, American-style celebrity news is thriving.

德田重男是一位红透半边天的日本名人。Shigeo Tokuda is a very famous celebrity in Japan.

丹尼称这种现象为“新的明星宝宝热”。Darryn Lyons calls it "the new celebrity baby boom".