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衣服实际上是由哈维·埃米斯设计的。It was actually designed by Harvey Amis.

今天是哈维·麦克斯韦尔的一个大忙天。And this day was Harvey Maxwell’s busy day.

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我是“哈尔及哈迪食品公司”的哈维贾德。It’s Harvey Judd from Hale and Hearty here.

哈卫和他的朋友要去滑旱冰。Harvey and his friend are going inline skating.

哈维发现了血液的循环。Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood.

吾名多米诺·哈维,赏金猎人。My name is Domino Harvey -- I’m a bounty hunter.

哈维和朱尼尔会为他们的母亲感到骄傲。Harvey and Junior will be so proud of their mummy.

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哈维利用一个手机来帮助控制他的病情。Harvey uses a cell phone to help manage his disease.

我过去总和约翰•哈维飞到卢萨卡。I used to fly to Lusaka all the time with John Harvey.

哎呀,导游哈维。我们休病假还不行吗?道格拉斯会理解我们的。Oh Harvey. Can't we take a sickie? Douglas will understand.

我儿子哈威刚刚考入了哈佛。九月份开学。My son, Harvey just got into Harvard! He starts next September.

这喜剧中心的已婚夫妇哈维和吉莉安。This comedy centers around the married couple Harvey and Gillian.

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布洛德斯基的学生写的。哈维说他与一位叫格洛里亚?It was written by a Temple University student named Harvey Brodsky.

对证交委抨击最猛烈的要数前任主席哈维?特了。Among the SEC's most vocal critics is Harvey Pitt, a former chairman.

萨尔蒙先生怀疑——而读者很清楚——哈维先生就是凶手。Mr. Salmon suspects -- and we know -- that Mr. Harvey is the murderer.

但是正如已经去世的保罗·哈维可能说的,“现在,来看看故事的发展”。But as the late Paul Harvey might say, “now, for the Rest of the Story.

看看,哈维撞墙,算了,海滩性爱,我可不要。Let's see. Harvey Wall banger. Eh. Sex on the Beach. I hardly think so.

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李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德在肯尼迪被射击的案发地点附近的一座大楼里工作。Lee Harvey Oswald worked in a building near where Kennedy had been shot.

但巴萨还有伊涅斯塔、博扬和哈维这些优秀球员。Iniesta, but Barcelona still, Bo Jan Harvey and these outstanding players.

李哈维奥斯瓦德为刺杀疑犯被捕。Lee Harvey Oswald, suspected of assassinating the president, was arrested.