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都是残余堆,好臭呀!Is the residual stack, very smelly!

就在残灯摇曳的夜里。In light of the residual sways at night.

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只留下鸽铃那袅袅的余音。Only the residual sounds of the bell remain.

花瓣残因白露寒。Because of the millennium cold residual petals.

以清除气管内残留的胎粪。Eliminates in the trachea the residual meconium.

秋风乍起,落叶残零黄花瘦。Autumn wind up, leaves residual zero thin yellow.

所以才总是只留下一个匆匆而过的残影。So it is always leaving a the residual artifacts.

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使用安全,无毒副作用,无机体残留。Safe to use, no toxin side effect and no residual.

我只是重温旧梦,这只是对你的怀念。I am reliving moments, This is just residual grief.

回味佳,并无讨厌的糖分影响。Finishes crisply without any cloying residual sugar.

翻开了回忆,只残留过去的伤悲。Open the memories of the past, only residual sorrow.

在低频率段,仍然存在剩余损耗。Even under low frequency, residual loss exists still.

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自1年后,患者的主觉残余近视度数出现上升趋势。Residual myopic diopters were on the rise after 1 year.

切缘残留肿瘤用同样方法检查。The incisal edge were also detected for residual tumor.

阿残余教派坚持弗里吉亚的几个世纪。A residual sect persisted in Phrygia for some centuries.

邻接处消除了建筑物之间的残余空间。Contiguity eliminates residual spaces between buildings.

古树晴摇盖,残蝉晚带钟。Shake trees clear cover, with residual cicada late bell.

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在较弱的条件下,得到了较小的残差集。A smaller residual set is gained in very weak conditions.

另外,它还控制'棉花飞'和残留空中皮棉。It also controls 'cotton fly' and residual airborne lint.

探讨了刨削加工残余应力的调整。The control of planing residual stress is also discussed.