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其中一具石棺仍然密封着。One sarcophagus was still sealed.

走进走出石棺,以满足亚瑟王光。Walk into the light coming out of the sarcophagus to meet King Arthur.

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石函是安葬佛陀舍利的最外层石棺。Shi Han is inters the Buddha Buddhist relics the most outer layer sarcophagus.

墓葬的中心是一座金棺,金棺上可以找到马其顿国王王权的象征。The centerpiece was a gold sarcophagus with the symbol of the Macedonian king.

我国早在秦、汉时期,就有“金匮石室”的制度。China as early as the Qin and Han period there is "Golden sarcophagus " system.

因此后人便把石室山称为烂柯山,并把烂柯作为围棋的别称。So put sarcophagus later called Lankeshan Hill, and as rotten Go alias Ko said.

这具具有三千年历史的空棺材位于转交仪式的会场中心。The empty 3,000-year-old sarcophagus was at the center of a transfer ceremony as U.

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在石棺里嘿咻现在需要的关系条件更加严格。There are now stricter relationship requirements for Woohooing with Sims in the Sarcophagus.

然而,他的坟墓一直没有被发现,这是不知道如何到达开罗的石棺。However, his tomb has never been found, and it is not known how the sarcophagus reached Cairo.

国王的石棺是用红色的花岗岩做成,墓室的内墙用的也是这种材料。The King's sarcophagus is made of red granite, as are the interior walls of the King's Chamber.

现在该核电站方圆20英里内仍未禁区,泄露的4号反应堆被封存在一个巨大的混凝土石棺中,石棺也在慢慢渗漏衰败。Reactor No. 4 has been sealed off in a large, concrete sarcophagus that is slowly deteriorating.

在提升的意愿中,法老拉蒙迈进了金字塔国王室的石棺。Pharaoh Ramen entered the pyramids and the sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber with the intent to ascend.

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不仅如此,雕刻精美的石棺表明这是为一个地位很高的孩子造的,甚至或许是个皇室的孩子。Not only that, the sarcophagus indicated it was made for a child of a high status, possibly even royal.

它是我国保存最完整的皇家档案库,也是研究“金匮石室”的典型建筑。It is China's most complete preservation of the royal archives, but also on the "Golden sarcophagus" a typical construction.

这一天是一个公共假日,市民们可以去瞻仰躺在透明石棺内的金日成的遗体。The day is a public holiday and citizens are allowed to view Kim Il-sung's embalmed body, which lies in a clear sarcophagus.

我的管道在过去三世中都选择了这样的学习,其中两世都死在了石棺中。The channel chose such initiation in three consecutive lives in Egypt, and physically died in the sarcophagus in two of these.

发掘人员还从石棺中发现了铜镜、陶罐和碟子之类的一些家中常用物件。Also discover from the sarcophagus found in the copper mirrors, pottery and dishes such as the home of some commonly used items.

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整体的石棺一度隐藏在铜色漆,它的残余仍然可以发现在的地方。The entirety of the sarcophagus was at one time covered in copper colored paint, and remnants of it can still be found in place.

因为反应堆废墟仍有极高的辐射量,所以为了保护工人们的安全,这个拱形建筑不会在石棺上面进行搭建。Because the destroyed reactor is still highly radioactive, to protect workers, the arch will not be constructed over the sarcophagus.

这是在秘鲁岩层石棺中发现的一批木乃伊。它被陈列在秘鲁首都利马的国家博物馆�准备展出。One of a number of mummies found in a cliff-face sarcophagus is put on display in the Museum of the Nation before an exhibition in Lima.