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这并不只是理论上的风险。These risks are not merely theoretical.

有些局限是理论上的Some of these limitations are theoretical.

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文章首先回顾了关于RRQ的理论结果。At first, theoretical results on RRQ are recalled.

但是,对增长的质疑已经不再是空论。But doubts about growth are no longer theoretical.

穆克吉说,“这些都是理论上的主张。"These are all theoretical propositions, " he said.

超临界状态下的科学研究。Scientific theoretical research of supercriticality.

我们将带着一种理论的倾向性来阅读本周的内容。We're going to be reading it with a theoretical spin.

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另一个理论难题是进入拍卖。Another theoretical conundrum is entry to the auction.

对经济周期波动理论的影响。Undulate theoretical influence to the economic period.

方法利用组合论和矩阵论方法。Methods By combinatorial and matrix theoretical methods.

该表达式为对数柯西分布。The theoretical distribution is log-Cauchy distribution.

第一,科技兴贸战略有什么样的理论支持?First, what theoretical background does the strategy has?

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IPE目前仍处于理论构建阶段。IPE is still in the process of theoretical establishment.

在理论和实际操作上对ELL的设计提出建议。Provide both theoretical and practical ELL design advice.

实测曲线与理论值符合得很好。The curves measured well agree in the theoretical values.

反映气候变化的理论模型也是同样的道理。The same is true of theoretical models of climate change.

第5至第7章是本书的理论核心。Chapters 5 through 7 are the theoretical core of the book.

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我是土木学院理论与应用力学1班的学生。Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1 students.

理论值与实验点吻合较好。The experimental data is identical with theoretical value.

为马齿苋成为人类的保健食品提供了理论依据。Theoretical basis is provided for purslane as health food.