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下面我来解释一下这个例子。This is a seeming exception.

于是有了表面矛盾。So here is a seeming contradiction.

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戏剧结局似乎认可安蒂冈妮的作法。The play ends by seeming to validate Antigone.

这位91岁的老人看上去高兴但虚弱。Seeming cheerful but frail, the 91-year old Mr.

但这种疯狂血拼也有些道理。But there is some sense to this seeming madness.

人们一定会联想到他的洋洋自得。One can certainly relate to his seeming elation.

很多因素都没有被加入到模型里A lot of things are not seeming to be captured by it.

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他假装笨拙,把弓瞎摸了很久。With seeming awkwardness he fumbled long with the bow.

没有它们,世界只会看上去更加的荒芜。Without it, the world is a much emptier seeming place.

别看他好像耳背,每个词都能听到。Despite his seeming deafness, he could hear every word.

这些日子来我常看见这位老人,看上去挺孤独的样子。I've seen die old man around these days, seeming lonely.

忽然剧烈地抖动起来,似乎要慢慢地变大Shuddering itself full of heat, seeming to enlarge slowly

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它们有时像狗,有时更像猴子。so metimes seeming doglike, other times more like monkeys.

让我走在前面,您就这样跟着我走,不要让别人看出来。Let me go on ahead, and follow me so, without seeming to do it.

云雾仿佛击败了山蛮,山蛮却屹立依然。The mountain remains unmoved at its seeming defeat by the mist.

群山外貌上被云雾挫败,现实上永远岿然未动。The mountain remains unmoved in its seeming defein by the mist.

我们讨论到了这场运动似乎缺乏领导。We discussed the seeming lack of leadership within the movement.

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你必须坚定甚至大胆,但又须让人觉得你看起来十分谦虚。You must be firm, and even bold, but with great seeming modesty.

他的对手还仍然对他表面上的坚不可摧感到棘手。His opponents were still obsessed by his seeming invulnerability.

这个演小生的女人懂得所有表面上的矛盾。A woman who plays Xiaosheng knows all about seeming contradictions.