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早饭还是让她感到要吐。The queasiness at breakfast had not left her.

恶心头痛和乏力整天折折磨着她。Queasiness , headaches and languor afflicted her all day.

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圣诞节刚过,玛丽亚感到有一种奇怪的恶心。Just after Christmas, a strange queasiness had come over Maria.

这种药会抑制抗生素引起的反胃。注意,注意力集中。This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics.

它确定不了,也许,感觉恶心只是得了禽流感的征兆。Perhaps his queasiness is just a sign that he's coming down with bird flu.

橄榄中叫作丹宁酸的化合物可以使你保持口腔干燥,有助缓解恶心。Compounds in olives called tannins dry out your mouth and can help soothe the queasiness.

感觉,这使她想起怀孕时的日子来,吃早点时一看见桌上热气腾腾的山芋就受不了,连那气味闻闻也不行。A queasiness of the stomach reminiscent of the early days of her pregnancy made the smoking yams on the breakfast table unendurable, even to the smell.

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怀胎九个月后-从一开始呕吐眩晕,到身体臃肿,感觉胃灼热和后背疼痛-你肯定地知道你一直期待什么。After nine months at it—graduating from queasiness and bloating to heartburn and backache—you almost certainly know what to expect when you’re expecting by now.

在慢性病毒性肝炎过程中,常肝脾同病而表现出恶心呕吐、食欲不佳、腹胀、两肋胀痛、口粘口臭等症状。If patients get chronic virosis hepatitis, they usually catch diseases about spleen and appear symptom of queasiness , vomit, inappetence, meteorism, ribs ache and halitosis.

关于取消对乌兹别克斯坦的制裁,许多国家疑虑重重,而德国之所以无视他们的疑虑,是由于这个残暴的专制国家愿意提供基地,为阿富汗的德国部队提供补给。And Germany bulldozed aside the queasiness of many countries about lifting sanctions on Uzbekistan, a thuggish autocracy that provides bases to supply German troops in Afghanistan.