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在这张资料图片中,纳粹德国空军使用恩尼格玛密码机。In this file photo, Luftwaffe troops use an Enigma machine.

他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊。He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the Luftwaffe.

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他俩的合作成果在德国空军设计中是独一无二的。The result of their collaboration was unique among Luftwaffe designs.

纳粹德国空军在1940年被英国打败。The Luftwaffe was defeated by the British in 1940 – before Barbarossa.

陆军、海军和空军都各自有特制版本的恩尼格玛密码机。The army, navy and Luftwaffe each had specialized versions of the Enigma.

前线由空军第16野战师的剩余部队防御。The frontline was held by the remnants of the 16th Luftwaffe Field Division.

这些人大多是新招募的或者是空军的地勤人员。These were mostly a mix of raw conscripts and drafted Luftwaffe ground personnel.

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在这种混乱情况下,撤回空军轰炸机的命令没有及时传达。In the confusion, recall orders to the Luftwaffe bombers failed to get through in time.

空军方面,德国空军大约3800架战斗机,轰炸机和运输机参加战斗。In the air, the Luftwaffe had almost 3800 fighters, bombers and transport aircraft available.

空军组建了一支庞大的反坦克部队来保障对突击部队的空中支援。The Luftwaffe built up a major force of tank-hunting aircraft to provide close air support to the assault troops.

它们不仅在满是士兵的房子里幸存了下来,而且还逃过了纳粹德国空军的轰炸。Not only did they survive a house full ofsquaddies, the also came through local bombings by the Luftwaffe unscathed.

汪克尔住了他的大部分生活在德国,在那里他建立海豹和旋转阀的空军在第二次世界大战期间。Wankel lived out much of his life in Germany, where he built seals and rotary valves for the Luftwaffe during World War II.

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截止到德国空军停止空袭并且取消了入侵英国的计划时,RAF共损失了544名飞行员。But by the time the Luftwaffe called off its assault and the invasion of Britain was cancelled, the RAF had lost 544 pilots.

新的长途战机如今已能直接将德国战机降伏于地面,使其动弹不得,将大片更为安全的蓝天还给盟军。New, long-range fighters could now destroy German Luftwaffe planes on the ground, making the skies even safer for the Allies.

在三十年代末和第二次世界大战时期,道尼尔主要致力为德国空军制造轰炸机。For most of the late 1930s and World War II, Dornier was primarily concerned with the production of bombers for the Luftwaffe.

空军补给也适当组建起来,每个师都有自己的空军部队,每天从临时机场起飞。Air supply was organized properly, with each division having its own Luftwaffe team which set up improvised airstrips each day.

大规模的量产开始于1944年1月,但战况很快显现出德国空军被盟国战斗机所打败。Full scale production started in January of 1944, but it soon became apparent that the Luftwaffe was being defeated by Allied fighters.

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亚瑟被送往德国,他在慕尼黑的飞行学校接受着德国空军的先进的飞行战术的训练。Arthur was sent to Germany where he was trained in advanced fighter tactics by the German Luftwaffe at its Fighter School at Bie Munich.

空中支援由乘坐一辆半履带装甲车的空军前线观察员来精确引导。The air support was directed with great precision by a Luftwaffe forward air controller in an armoured halftrack with the attack troops.

整个1941年德国空军继续空袭莫斯科,但他们没能达到希特勒将城市变为废墟的目的。The Luftwaffe would continue to strike at Moscow throughout 1941, but they never achieved Hitler's objective of reducing the city to rubble.