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把快乐制成存货单。Take a joy inventory.

您如何检查您的清单?How do you check your inventory?

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好的房源不太容易找到。And good inventory is hard to find.

开一个所有垫圈的清单。Make an inventory of all ring gaskets.

管理您的清单和信息。Manage your inventory and information.

在我们开始之前,我们清点一下家底。So as we begin, let us take inventory.

在资源发掘中采取行动。Take action on your resource inventory.

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需要显示准确的库存量。Need to display accurate inventory levels.

他根据清单检查厨房设施。He checked the kitchen against the inventory.

库存过量会发生什么?What will happen if the inventory overstocks?

注意,左上方是一张详细清单。Notice the top left is a picture of inventory.

有些商店每周清点存货一次。Some stores inventory their stock once a week.

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防御力总值现在会显示在你的道具栏里。Defense totals are now shown in your inventory.

存货中有部分是受到压抑的供给.Pent-up supply makes up part of this inventory.

有些商店每月盘货一次。Some stores inventory their stock once a month.

利用库存左侧灯杆的绳子。Use the ROPE in inventory on the left lamp pole.

这个制度是所谓的永续盘存制度。This system is called perpetual inventory system.

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零库存是库存管理最好的发展方向。Zero stock is the best way for inventory control.

我想要一张仓库所有货品的清单。I want an inventory of all items in the warehouse.

被用来记入存货到正确的总账账目。Posts inventory to proper General Ledger accounts.