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他把那狮子头挂起来作为狩猎纪念品。He hung the lion's head as a trophy.

他荣获射击银牌奖。He won a silver trophy for shooting.

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吕弗勒是我认识的一个花瓶一样的知识分子。LOEFFLER was my trophy intellectual.

她在射击比赛中获得银奖。She won a silver trophy for shooting.

你应该能看到一个有一个奖杯的壁龛。You should see an alcove with the trophy.

列出海斯曼奖杯最近的五名得主。Name the last five Heisman Trophy winners.

在前44届比赛中,巴塞罗那赢得33次胜利。Barcelona won the trophy 33 times out of 44.

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欧洲青年冠军!European Dobermann Trophy Youth Winner 2010!

摆着战利品的桌面在散发者成功的信息,“Dawson说。"Trophy desks reek of success," Dawson says.

辩论队队员一同接受亚军殊荣。Team members receive the 1st Runner-up trophy.

当你在俄亥俄州非法猎取奖榜级鹿的时候。When you illegally take a trophy deer in Ohio.

下一座奖杯可能来自一位选美大赛冠军吗?Could the next trophy be from a beauty pageant?

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6月12日,古巴选手罗伯斯亲吻奖杯庆祝。June 12, Cuba's Luo Bosi kiss trophy celebration.

收获了奖盘,你有什么感想吗?Q. What about your emotions on receiving the trophy?

要拿大耳朵奖杯的话,我们必须杀进决赛。We’ll need to be in the final if we want the trophy.

对我们许多队员来讲,超级杯是一座陈列室中丢失的奖杯。It is a trophy a lot of us are missing from the cabinet.

也许,它也能带来些“好天气”和大力神杯吧!Perhaps it will bring back some good weather and a trophy?

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为奖盃而加油吧,卡皮!再一次把奖盃带回家!So go for gold Kapil, and bring home the trophy once again!

一种作为奖品或优胜纪念品的装饰性杯状器皿。A decorative cup-shaped vessel awarded AS a prize or trophy.

等空闲时它会回来饱餐一顿。But she will return to feast upon the trophy at her leisure.